So I am sure all 3 or 4 readers of this site might have been wondering where I have been. To all of you readers I owe you an explanation of where I have been. The following is a blog about the adventure my wife and I took last week with friends. I was not planning on writing anything about it so soon as I was supposed to be working but thanks to a 4.5 hour flight I am pretty sure I caught something from someone as I am not feeling so lovely today and chose to rest up rather than go back to the grind.
This blog has very little to do about music but I assure you there may be something worth reading below…plus pictures. I took a lot of pictures. Many can be found on my MySpace profile…but I will share a couple here.
I have also decided to split this up into two parts. I can only write so much…
In a nutshell my wife Annie and I went to visit our great friend in beautiful Austin to assist with an event and then traveled to San Francisco for a vacation of sorts.
Here we go… I’m going make this more of a journal / diary post just to help me remember what the hell happened…
Wed. Oct. 22nd, 2008
After working a half shift at the day job I drove home, picked up the wife, took the dogs to my folks, and headed to the airport. I was already stressing out a little bit as I found out at work that John McCain and Sarah Palin were throwing a rally at the high school of the town that my folks live in. I was more freaking out at the fact that their flight was leaving at the same time that ours was at the Akron/Canton Airport and that meant a possible delay. I hate delays.
Luckily we arrived to the airport well in advance and waited for our flight. The McCain plane and the Palin plane (did they really need 2 planes???) left without any delay and we were soon on our way to our first destination for a few days, Austin, TX.
Our dear friend Morgan picked us up from the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport around 12am and took us to the city to find a 24/7 deli as we were starving. After eating a tasty grilled cheese and some fried pickles we headed back to Morgan’s house where 13 dogs were waiting to meet us. Yes, 13 dogs.
We arrived to her awesome house and were greeted by just about all of them. Some were hers, some were her mother’s who lives next door, and some were being fostered until a good owner could be found. I was in puppy overload and still have no idea what all of their names were. All I know is that Frankie looked like Paris Hilton so I changed his name to Paris Hilton Dog.
Morgan then gave us a present. Vegan cupcakes. Yum. Best cupcakes ever. She got them from a bakery that recently shut down but still took some orders. German chocolate vegan cupcakes = greatest idea ever.
We were all tired so we called it a night.
Thu. Oct. 23rd, 2008

I had a hard time sleeping so I woke up early and waiting for the girls to wake. While doing so I hung out with Paris Hilton Dog and Elvis. I finally was greeted by the lovely Annie and Morgan. Morgan had a whole day of events planned out for us. Even though about a year ago Annie and I invaded Austin we did not do too much as we were with a ton of folk. Morgan wanted to make sure this time we got to see more and check out the cool spots of the city. First things first though….breakfast tacos.
Oh yeah, we took Bella the teacup chihuahua out for the day too. Can you say chick magnet? I need me a teacup chihuahua… Bella was awesome. She melted in your hands and just loved to be carried.
Throughout the day we visited Morgan’s shop, an adult boutique store, checked out many vintage stores, and even hit up a section of town with various toy stores, candy shops, and consignment shops. We met up with two of Morgan’s friends, Miles & Natalie, hit up some more shops, and then decided to grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant. Turns out the restaurant we ate at was in the movie Death Proof. Awesome.
The Mexican food in Austin tastes so much better and it should as Mexico is just a tad South, but I am sure you knew that. I got these giant nachos, three to be specific. They were full of goodness and I devoured them.

Morgan needed to get back to her store for a moment so we all headed back and hung out there for a minute. We parted ways with her friends as one needed to get ready for her evening and the other needed to get back to his city.
Morgan then stated she had a surprise for us, “bro tattoos” for myself, Annie, and Morgan. Annie was in on it of course…I did not mind though. We all headed across town to Triple Crown Tattoos and got our “bro tattoos”. This is the second time the three of us have done something like this as earlier this year we all got Ol’ Dirty Bastard cupcakes tattooed in us while in the Bronx. I am not revealing this time what we got. I am sure the girls would be quick to show them off, they are after all hilarious. I choose to keep the shock value and will show as many individuals as I can just to see their reaction. Just ask, I have no shame!!!
A little sore, and a lot tired, the three of us headed back to the doggie kingdom for a nap. We had plans at 11:00 that evening in downtown Austin and really needed to be awake for it.

I am pro-Austin if you can not tell. I fell in love with the city the first time we visited it. Not only is the music scene incredible there, but the folk there are friendly, the weather is nice, and there is so much to do as a visitor or resident.
One day I hope to be a resident there. One of the millions of reasons why I wish Austin was my hometown was the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. If you like movies and more this place is for you. We came there for Terror Thursdays and waited in line for a free viewing of Slumber Party Massacre.
Normally I hate theaters because it is cramped when sold out and just not comfortable in general but I like the Drafthouse. Each row has a long bar table in front of it because you can order food while watching the movie. It was like no other theater I have been to. The MC of the evening gave a little history about the flick before it started and then it was time for the feature. The movie was a horrible as the first time I saw it but more enjoyable as laughter filled the theater when something that was supposed to scare you appeared corny. I was glad I got to be there. Unexpected fun.
We all headed back to Morgan’s as two of her other friends were driving into town to meet up with us…well actually four if you include their dogs. I could not stay up so I joined Annie in sleepy land and heard Aaron and Ashley arrive to Morgan’s around 5am with their Boston Terriers Elvira and Boris.
Fri. Oct. 24th, 2008

I woke up early, shocking, and introduced myself to Aaron who couldn’t seem to sleep well either. Once everyone was up we tried to grab some breakfast at a place nearby but were too early so we ventured just down the street and found more of a diner of sorts where I got something I never thought was possible…cottage cheese filled pancakes with ginger. Don’t knock them till you try them.

After filling our bellies we went to a few more shops in the area and then took a pit stop at the house. Aaron and I decided we wanted to go into town and the girls wanted to nap. We split ways and headed to Waterloo Records, one of the greatest record shops I have ever been to. There was so much there I wanted to buy but I suppressed my urges and spent less than $20. I am pretty sure I could have maxed out a credit card there.
Time was flying by quickly and we needed to head back to the house to pick up everyone to help set up with Morgan’s event. As previously mentioned, Morgan owns an adult boutique called Sinsations and for the past couple years she throws an erotic carnival, a benefit event with all proceeds donated to AIDS Services of Austin. This was our second time going to this event and after last years I promised Morgan that Annie and I would be back to help in 2008. I am a man of my word and made sure we were there.
We arrived at Red 7 and set up for the amazing evening that was about to happen. After setting up the silent auction section and securing some spots for games we headed once again back home, rested, ate some amazing Vietnamese food, and headed back to Red 7.

By the time we arrived people were slowly entering. We made final preparations, I armed myself with my camera, and before I knew it the place was jamming.
Sexy ladies performing burlesque shows, fire dancers, and Mr. Lewis & The Funeral 5 entertained all who attended. There were adult games, silent auctions, and even a raffle. The venue was 18+ but nothing got out of hand, even Austin has laws. All types of people where there too making for an interesting gathering. Some knew what was going and were there from start to finish while others randomly walked in from the street just looking for something different.

As if the event was not exciting enough, things wrapped up around 1:30am and as we were packing things up into the car we all witnessed a hit and run. A drunk driver in a large truck chose to run a red light and plowed into an innocent driver and then continued onward forgetting his bumper in the intersection. The Blazer that was hit spun in the street and crashed into a parked vehicle. The victim of the incident was unarmed, but in shock. The police were called and soon ambulances came to check on anyone who was involved.

If that was not enough we all heard a commotion just a few moments later and watched as someone pushed a motorcycle that was parked next to the accident to the ground and then got in a tussle. Drunks. That is all I could think of. Then again it should not have been shocking as Red 7 is located in an area where the streets are shut down in the evening and are filled with folk, mostly college students, just looking to have some fun. Don’t let that discourage you…they are supervised. Plenty of law enforcement surround the area keeping law and order.
Exhausted, drained, beat…you get the point. The event marked our last full day in Austin as well as the center of our vacation. Saturday afternoon we were to catch a flight to San Francisco. Time to catch up on some sleep.
Sat. Oct. 25th, 2008
After slowly waking up we all crammed into a vehicle and went back to a restaurant we tried to have breakfast on Friday and this time they were open. As we ate we sat and talked about the carnival as well as the future. All of us, minus Morgan of course, agreed of having plans to be a resident of Austin one day. Whether that happens or not is to be determined in the future. It is not that far around the corner though and is completely plausible.
Aaron and Ashley were kind enough to take us to the airport where Annie and I took one flight and Morgan took another to San Francisco….
More of our San Francisco experience to come….soon….until then, enjoy some more pictures…