In T-minus just under 4 days, vinyl lovers around the world will once again have their day…

Actually music lovers can have that day too as Record Store Day, which falls on the third Saturday of April, will turn a seemingly normal Saturday into a limited edition, independent music store, sales boosting, event with plenty of live music around the states (and even world).
With a ton of releases this year it is going to be an exciting day for many music lovers out there. Check out the full list of limited presses on vinyl from some of your favorite artists. I know there are a few in there I hope to acquire…
Focusing on Cleveland, since that is my city, I thought I would just post a few things going on this Saturday beginning around the noon o’clock hour.
I will mainly be in the Waterloo district in the good ol’ North Collinwood area with friends this year. The day will revolve around indie record stores Music Saves and Blue Arrow Records, two stores I should add I have become very familiar with over the past year, as well as all the other amazing shops that line up Waterloo. At one point I may have to escape with Matt over to E. 185th to grab some grub from Chili Peppers but I will return back to the fun once I am full of their delicious food.
The stores in the area will open at noon and I can only imagine the lines that will be forming before the stores even unlock their doors. With quantities limited, and of course the always awesome eBay resellers who know they can make a profit off of some of the vinyls (thanks for that btw, jerks), it is best to get there early.
Music Saves was kind enough to make a list of the vinyl they hope to have in stock but they will not know until the day of. No holds either in case you were wondering… I am bummed to see a blue line through the Get Up Kids on that list. Oh well. Also if you get there in time there might be some grab bags give out along with other random things to all who partake in the purchasing of goods.
What is even cooler is that Music Saves (MS) and Blue Arrow Records (BA) will be featuring free indoor/outdoors DJ events / shows throughout the day for all to check out.
* 4:30PM – White Hinterland DJs – MS
* 5PM – DJ Will Rigby (drummer for the dB’s and Steve Earle) – BA
* 5:30PM – The Lighthouse and the Whaler – MS
* 6PM – Prisoners – BA
* 6:30PM – The Muttering Retreats – MS
* 7PM – Tasty Cakes – BA
* 7:30PM – Cloud Nothings – MS
* 8PM – Party Sweat – BA
To close the big day the Beachland Ballroom will host a 9PM show featuring Dosh, White Hinterland, and locals The Sleep.
It’s going to be a great day/night so if you have nothing going on head out to Waterloo and have some fun!