Well, the streets are empty and SXSW is officially done for the year. All I can say about this famous Austin music festival is this: insanity at its finest.
Nothing went to plan for me. I didn’t get to see all the bands I wanted to see, but instead chose to take in bands I had never heard of. The choice worked out to my benefit as I got to see some really kick ass bands.
Friday night’s Screeching Weasel meltdown was the one thing I wish I could have seen. It was the talk of the town. I am going to be posting some more about that later as I have a few eye witnesses who are going to share their stories. It was just too messed to to not talk about.
Saturday was fun as I headed downtown after a gluten free breakfast. (I am seriously going to look into a gluten free diet of sorts) I caught some killer bands including a metal/classical/instrumental act from San Francisco that blew me away.
Bands and beers. It was a good time for sure.
The Lone Star beer was pretty damn delicious too. Way better than my beloved PBR. I opted to chill out as Friday I may or may not have drank myself stupid.
Saturday night though was pretty insane as well and I am sure that gigantic moon in the sky had something to do with it.
I was at the Eastside Drive-In to see The Dead Milkmen at the Mess With Texas party. It was packed as hell and thanks to some fine maneuvering, my friend and I were able to get up to a good spot to see them do their thing. It was awesome and I am happy to say I can finally scratch them off my list of bands I want to see before I die.
Immediately after their set we tried to head out but everyone started bum rushing the grounds. Kids were climbing over fences and porta-potties and there was an instant sea of people. We just wanted to get the hell out.
After pushing through easily a thousand people we finally got to the exit where there was a situation going on and security, who could not control the thousand of other people getting in, would not let us out. Words were exchanged, patience was lost, and we finally said screw it and rushed through them and got out of that cluster eff.
The night was far from over though. I think it was only 9pm by the time we peaced out of that mess and hoofed it to the Scoot Inn (the same venue that Ben Weasel had his incident at the night before).
I ran in to two friends who I had not seen in forever and chilled with them on a log, yes, a log. The place was like a campground atmosphere with picnic tables and a decent sized stage and standing area. It was fenced in and really to me looked mobile.
So the night seemed to be going well and Eyehategod finally took the stage. The were tearing things up when suddenly the moon came out and provided for another mess to the night.
Apparently my friend’s boyfriend was front and center and having a good ol’ time. Not sure what all transpired but the lead singer told the crowd to kick my friend’s boyfriend’s ass. Nothing really happened immediately but the guitar player said he was going to kid the guy in the head and it was just an ugly vibe. Soon some douche tried picking a fight and that was enough, my friend grabbed him and got him out of the area.
Apparently no one can just have a good time.
That was enough. We went home and skipped Pentagram. I really wanted to see them too. Oh well.
Yesterday was chill for me. I saw a few cool bands at Lovejoys and then headed to a place I have been wanting to go to for years now…
Dale Watson was awesome. The place was packed and was just so much fun to be a part of. I wish I would have stayed longer but I was exhausted and starving. At least I can say I finally made it to Ginny’s. I’ll scratch that off my list too.
I missed out on a few acts I really wanted to see thanks to the flight screw-up. I missed Wagons who I really wanted to see as they came all the way from Australia. I’m also a huge fan of them and would loved to have seen them again. Oh well, next time.
Austin is an amazing city and I adore it. The people I have met this round were kick ass folk who welcomed me into their great city. I met at least seven people who used to live in Ohio (I may be one of those people one day…). The Lone Star beer was pretty damn delicious too.
SXSW was a bonus if you ask me.
My adventure in Austin us coming to a close, but I will be back soon. I love it here too much.
I am sure I have bragged about this before but… I’m going to be checking out SXSW finally, well sort of. I am going to be missing a few days of it thanks to school but will be able to catch the latter end as I will be arriving in Austin on March 18th around noon.
Why am I telling you all this? Well why wouldn’t I? I’m stoked to actually check some of this amazing span of days in one of my favorite cities.
Plus I am hoping people from Austin will read this and give me a ride from the airport to the city as I have things to do!!! Just kidding, I made arrangements already.
Shirts For A Cure will be putting on a free show at Red 7 that will start right around the time my plane lands. I am hoping I can make it there in time to see Paint It Black, Fake Problems, BANE, Title Fight, Riverboat Gamblers, Dave Hause, and The Flatliners. I am not holding my breath though as I am sure a ton of kids will get there before I do.
Later that night I need to poke around the city and find The Scoot Inn as Screeching Weasel, Banner Pilot, Dead To Me, and The Flatliners (2 shows in one night!) will be playing a later set. I am pretty certain that this show is going to not be free and I will do my best to find a way in as I did not obtain a SXSW bracelet since I am only going to be there technically for two days.
Saturday afternoon it looks like Alternative Press is having a free afternoon of music as well but I am not too sure I am going to dig any of the bands so we shall see. If anything I will spend that day eating good food and seeing good people.
I plan on making it over to Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon (see Ginny on the right) and see Dale Watson and crew play a show on Sunday the 20th. That right there would make my weekend. Plus I hear the chicken-shit bingo is a ton of fun too. Mike B., I’ll be looking for you man!!!
Other than those couple events I have nothing really planned for my 5 days in the coolest city in Texas other than hanging with one of the coolest ladies on Earth. I hope to mingle with some other friends too that I have who live in the area as well as meet up with some of the PR folks who help keep this site awesome including JT and Vanessa.
I am sure I will spend a dollar or two at Waterloo Records and I am hoping to see the cool parts of town and maybe see about getting a permanent souvenir again at Triple Crown Tattoos (not counting on that as Austin is going to be insane, but still…).
Next Tuesday, Those Darlins will be releasing a 7-inch of two new new album songs entitled “Be Your Bro” and “Let U Down.” This is the first taste from their sophomore album Screws Get Loose that is dropping at the end of March on OH WOW DANG Records.
It is safe to say I am excited. If anyone knows anything about me, I am a big big Those Darlins fan. After seeing them last Fall, it is safe to say I am stoked to hear their new release. They changed their sound up a little and it sounds amazing.
7″ Track list
Side A) Be Your Bro
Side B) Let U Down
Those Darlins are currently touring in support of their new release. When these girls (and Linwood) tour, they tour…
Photo by Veta&Theo for Ovvio Arte
27 – Oxford, MS – Proud Larry’s
28 – Hattiesburg, MS – Thirsty Hippo
29 – Auburn, AL – The Independent
17 – Fayetteville, AR – George’s Majestic #
18 – St Louis, MO – Pageant #
19 – Chicago, IL – The Vic #
20 – Minneapolis, MN – First Avenue #
22 – Louisville, KY – Headliners #
23 – Cincinnati, OH – Southgate House #
24 – Asheville, NC – Orange Peel #
25 – Atlanta, GA – Buckhead #
26 – Charleston, SC _ Music Farm #
27– Jacksonville, FL – Freebird #
1 – Orlando, FL – Plaza Theater #
2 – Tampa, FL Skipper’s #
3 – Tallahassee, FL – The Moon #
4 – New Orleans – Tipitina’s #
5 – Houston, TX – House of Blues #
17th-20th — Austin, TX — SXSW
24 – Washington, DC – The Black Cat +
25 – New York, NY – Bowery Ballroom +
26 – New York, NY – Bowery Ballroom +
27 – Boston, MA – Middle East +
29 – Providence, RI – Firehouse 13
30 – New Haven, CT – BAR
31 – Baltimore, MD – Golden West
1 – Columbus, OH – Newport Music Hall +
4 – Omaha, NE – Waiting Room +
6 – Denver, CO – the Bluebird +
7 – Salt Lake City, UT – the Urban Lounge +
8 – Boise, ID – Neurolux +
9 – Seattle, WA – the Crocodile +
10 – Portland, OR – Dante’s +
13 – San Francisco, CA – the Independent +
14 – Santa Cruz, CA – the Rio Theatre +
16 – Santa Barbara, CA – the Mercury Lounge
Punk rock icons/godfathers Social Distortion are back with an all new album entitled Hard Times & Nursery Rhymes. After seven long years, Mike Ness and crew have released a self-produced album on Epitaph Records. This is the first time the band has taken production into their own hands in their 30+ year career.
Before I go any further, I have to confess that I have been a life long fan of Social D. Sure, I am sure there are a lot of us out there who can say that, it is almost hard not to admit that. I was introduced to Social D at a young age thanks to some cool kids and was hooked ever since. They were one of the bands that helped me identify the genre of music that I liked most – punk rock, however; they were the band that also got me into country and rockabilly. Over the years they were part of the soundtrack to my life and still are to this day. They will be one of those bands that stay with me for the rest of my existence.
So with that said and done, let’s talk about Hard Times & Nursery Rhymes. This is the band’s seventh release in their career and the first on the independent label Epitaph Records. The major difference in this release over all the others is that Mike Ness produced the album himself giving him the opportunity to do things his way for once.
Opening track “Road Zombie” was a two-minute instrumental piece of awesomeness. It was almost like a teaser to any listener who has been waiting seven years for Ness and crew.
A less gritty-sounding Ness sang on the following track entitled “California (Hustle and Flow)”. With female backup vocals that could have fit on any Springsteen track in the past, the track was more rock n roll sounding than I was expecting and honestly, I was impressed. The smooth and easy going track still had that Social D vibe I was hoping for including a certain ball and chain reference. Full of soul and a certain twangy feel made this song even more impressive to listen to.
“Gimmie The Sweet And Lowdown” brought back that sound I was looking for previously. With lyrics that begged to be memorized and a guitar riff that won’t be leaving my mind anytime soon. The gangster “Machine Gun Blues” was a stand-out track thanks to the old school feel with Ness just tearing up his Les Paul on this track towards the end.
“Bakersfield” really paid helm to the country and blues that Ness grew up on with a clear mention of Buck Owens. Whether or not the song was based upon a true story, the ending carried a certain hope of return. The track has been played live for a couple of years now by Ness during his solo tours and by Social D with good reason – it is amazing.
“Writing On The Wall” hinted heavily of Lynyrd Skynyrd (seriously, I was waiting for “Freebird” to interrupt the song), but once I got listening to it I could not help but identify with the heartfelt lyrics like “they say if you love someone you gotta let them go. and if they return to you that’s surely how you’ll know.”
“Can’t Take It With You” was another rock n roll track guaranteed to make you move. As if Ness’ singing was not good enough, throw in some more lively female vocals, barroom piano playing, and just some bad ass guitar jamming to make for one fun song.
Closing up the album was “Still Alive”, a track that almost defined the life of Mike Ness and all that is Social D. This was without a doubt my favorite track off the album. I loved the lyric “and I’m here to make my stand with a guitar in my hand.” Poetic justice at its finest.
Upon my first listen of Hard Times & Nursery Rhymes, I think I was a little too focused on looking for the Social D sound that I had become so accustomed to. I had concerns on how clean the album sounded and not once thought for a moment that maybe this is what Ness wanted to do now that he had full control. After a couple of listens though my opinion changed. Not only did I appreciate the collaboration of references throughout the rock n roll album, but I also dug the lyrics Ness put together; lyrics I intend to grow up with further in my life. The album is solid from start to finish and I doubt there will be many Social D fans out there who will disagree.
Once upon a time – a couple months ago actually – I met a man. I met a big, tall, Aussie man who gave me a towel.
His name was Henry Wagons. He was the opening act at a Those Darlins show I attended and caught me completely by surprise, not just because he gave me a towel but also because he was an amazing artist.
Throughout his set he talked about his band back home, Wagons, that he had to leave behind due to the cost of traveling.
I was intrigued and wanted to hear more of this band, so after his set I grabbed myself a copy of The RIse And Fall Of Goodtown. Henry was happy to sell me a CD and also chatted with me throughout the night. Turns out he is a big deal in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia.
Henry was a cool cool man and I should add that CD I purchased from him was amazing.
Recently, I was able to catch up with Henry and talk about him and complete randomness:
BHP: The name Henry Wagons is not that well known in the states yet but that is a different story in your homeland correct?
HW – Its true. I think I’m on the D-list back at home. My band does quite well in Australia and I’m a presenter on a TV show so I have enough of a profile to expect to get invited to celebrity filled premieres, but never actually get invited.
Tell me a little bit about yourself…
I’m a Gemini. I like to go to the movies. I’m organized but not a neat freak. I love holidays sipping pina-coladas on a hammock but rarely make it out onto the sand.
Good enough, so how did you get your start as a musician?
I started playing music quite late. I only got into playing the guitar after I finished high school. I became friends with stoner Pink Floyd fans at college, and they couldn’t really talk, so I learned some licks.
In the early days I played in a couple of noise/jam bands, then kinda wanted to try my hand at more traditional song-writing, so found my way through my Mum’s record collection and became fascinated with the likes of Johnny Cash, Tom Jones, Rod Stewart and other manly singers.
Can you give me a brief history on how your band, Wagons, was united?
I went to school with most of them. I was the only one who did my homework.
I started Wagons as a kinda throw away recording project, making a little tape of country songs in which I played all the instruments. I cut and pasted the covers together. Really lo-fi 4 track recordings. I wanted to play them live at a local open mike night at a metal/hardcore pub. I asked my mates to help me out. We got offered our first gig out of open mic night and there seems to have been enough momentum and good times since then to keep it all going. Who knew?
We all take it quite a bit more seriously now and are thankful that people still want to hear us play. I think it really helps to have humble beginnings and relatively low expectations to keep things in perspective.
Pic by Michael Christian
How would you describe Wagons to someone who has never heard of them before?
Imagine if Elvis, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, Dick Clarke, John Wayne and John Forgery all had a child together, and that child was a fat, over-excited nerd. How cool would that be! What was the question?
No idea. Who are your major influences?
See the proud parents above.
When we spoke outside of the Beachland Tavern weeks back, you mentioned a few things that had me thinking. First off, you were talking about a Visa is needed in the states to perform?
Its true. A lot of bands slip into the country under the radar, but we did this last trip on the books. The performance visa cost us $2.5K. That’s a lotta burgers.
Luckily we are in a position to afford that kinda outlay, but I feel sorry for smaller bands wanting to play in the States for the first time, before you have too much happening at home.
You also mentioned that your homeland helps pay for performing out of country? How exactly does that work?
There is so much red tape you could bind and gag Elvis’ entire fan club.
You basically fill out forms and prove you are a real band, doing good work and, thankfully, government arts funding is there for you.
I understand you left your entire band back home because it was too expensive to fly everyone out. Did you save up for this? Will you be able to do it again, maybe with more of the band?
I definitely want to be able to bring the band over. Wagons music is made to a pretty grand scale, so it would make sense to have a beat behind it.
It is expensive to come over to the US. You can imagine the flights themselves for five band members is thousands and thousands of dollars, let alone transport, food and accommodation.
I’ve come over as an ambassador for the band, to get a feel for whether our stuff might work. I feel good about it. I think, provided I don’t cover my floors in plasma screen dancefloors we will be able to bring the rest of the boys next time.
How important is this solo tour for you?
As much as I love having the boys around, I do love playing solo. I can settle into a long and boring story on stage with a guitarist telling me to shut up.
What was it like going from big crowds in Melbourne to opening for bands like Those Darlins to smaller crowds? Did you feel you were right back where you started?
I try to give my all no matter how many people are there. I’ve felt that way since day one. When it comes down to it, I feel it’s a honor to have anyone’s attention. I’m always going to respect that by putting on a show for em.
Besides, I’m always playing Madison Square Garden when I close my eyes.
What is so different about the American lifestyle you like / hate?
The excellent junk food is a constant source of pleasure and horror. There is nothing I like better than sinking my teeth into the local junk food specialty, be it Chicago pizza, Philly cheese steak, Portland Voodoo donut etc. You guys do guilty pleasure food soooo well it kills me. Problem is, it is also killing me.
What are some of your favorites here in the states?
My favorite roadside chains are: Cracker Barrel, Chipotle, and Starbucks.
Each of these guys brought me so much joy for different reasons.
How are the accommodations during your visit?
Accommodation has been great. I has gotten to know the Day’s Inn franchise very well across the country. When I see those weather beaten white glowing signs out the front of a 70’s yellow brick motel I feel like I’m home again.
In your opinion, do you think Americans dress funny?
Ronald McDonald dresses pretty weird.
How did you get hooked up with Those Darlins? I understand the Cleveland show was the first night you played with them. Who were you performing with prior to that show?
I met Those Darlins at SXSW last year, and we were going to do a tour with them. It was all locked in…we even did a photo shoot together and were on the covers of magazines back home in preparation for the shows (ask Matt to give you the pics!!). Then Nikki broke her arm and had to pull out of the show!! Was a great shame it didn’t work out. But, despite the adversity, Wagons and Those Darlins have been friends ever since.
Before Those Darlins I played a few shows with Justin Townes Earle and Bobby Bare Jr. Both amazing American songwriters and performers!
How long was your trip to the states? How many cities did you play?
I was in the US for about 3 and a half weeks, visiting 13 towns all, across the country. Planes, trains and automobiles. I gather it’s not a massive tour by US standards, but we got around a bit for our first time here.
How have the crowds been during your opening performances?
I was a little worried about playing the opening slot. I haven’t been the warm up guy for quite a while. I was hoping I hadn’t lost my mojo for getting the crowd to be quiet and listen to what’s going on. As it turns out, everyone has been great and quite respectful. Maybe everyone is straining to understand what the hell it is I’m saying in my weird accent. Whatever the reason….I’m not fussy.
Was there any one city that seems to favor you over another?
Justin Townes Earle’s bass player Josh gave me a bag of bacon and choc chip cookies in Bellingham, WA. That city stands out for that reason.
I understand you headed to the UK? What went on over there?
Mostly fantastic Sunday roasts with Yorkshire pudding, Jammy Dodgers, Jaffa cakes, soggy but good fish n chips, pear ciders and cold weather. Playing a couple a gigs in London too. It’s mostly a holiday, but I’m playing over here a little bit before a run of shows back in Australia over Summer. Gotta record a record over New Year’s sometime too!
Is there anything here in the states you look at and shake your head at? Meaning are there major cultural differences you have noticed?
I shook my head when I was crossing the border into Canada and they asked if I was carrying any weapons.
You have a certain upfront humor that I loved but could offend someone easily. Has anyone taken your jokes the wrong way yet?
Someone once asked me the same question as you, with the addition that he was almost going to ram me into the drum-kit behind me. ‘Almost’ was the operative word. A lot of people almost get offended.
Do you have any fun stories you wish to share?
I’m an avid Tweeter and Facebooker – I wear glasses…I’m a nerd. I have shared a lot of my stupid happenings on there. Befriend me! I swear virtually befriending me is probably better than the real thing!
Why should someone check out Henry Wagons and the music he makes?
Because they have finished their daily chores, logged off their email, called their mom, walked their dog, starting to get bored and are looking for something absolutely fucking mind-blowing to do.