New Music Video: Buzzcocks – “It’s Not You”

It’s nice to see bands legends like the Buzzcocks still do what they do best and not disappoint at all.


Today, the UK punk pioneers dropped a video for “It’s Not You”, a single off their new album titled The Way.  This all new release if scheduled to be available on November 18th on 1-2-3-4 GO! Records.

Check it out:

I do not know about you, but I dig this track a lot.  Nice to see a band that is pushing 40 years still have no problem delivering some solid material.

Pre-Order a copy of The Way today by clicking HERE.

Iron Chic/Low Culture – Split 7″ – Color Variant Pre-Orders Up Now

This is a friendly heads up to all of you Low Culture and Iron Chic fans out there.   Pre-orders are up today for the upcoming Iron Chic / Low Culture split.

Low Culture / Iron Chic Split

(anyone recognize that location????)

This is not your typical split.  This is a label/split 7? between Mike from Iron Chic’s Dead Broke Records and Chris from Low Culture’s Dirt Cult Records.


At this time this split is set to drop in November.  The color variants will sell the hell out.  I guarantee it.

Where To Pre-Order:
Dirt Cult Records
Dead Broke Rekerds

Pressing info:
-200 on orange vinyl (Dirt Cult exclusive)
-200 on blue vinyl (Dead Broke exclusive)
-400 on green
-100 FEST test pressings
-700 on black

EP Review: Low Culture & Needles//Pins – Split EP

Low Culture - Needles//Pins SplitPower-pop, garage-punk rockers Low Culture and Needle//Pins have both been on my radar for a while now.  When I heard that the two were putting together a split release, it just made complete sense.

Low Culture won me over hardcore when I was introduced to them while staying in Las Cruces.  Featuring members of Shang-A-Lang and Marked Men, the foursome blends in the perfect amounts of rock and punk making for tunes that can easy fuel a good time by all.

British Columbia’s Needles//Pins are more of a power pop garage act that I have recent been getting into thanks to their latest release Shamebirds.  This band is to me the saviors of old school punk pop.  You know, the good stuff that did not get suffocated by talentless acts with more t-shirts for sale in a Hot Topic than quality songs.

Low Culture hammered out with “Reservations”, a fun, infectious garage rock track with plenty of drumming and distorted guitar.  I loved the break downs at the end that eventually led the song into a climax of sorts only to drop more signing that sounded like a new song, but alas, it was still the same track.

“Don’t Tell Me” was equally as fun to listen to.  The guitar solos were quick at times but also memorable on this track about a solitary man.  This track was not nearly as scattered as the previous but just slayed in a good good way.

“Hateful” by Needles//Pins was gruff yet thoughtful to listen to in regards to a crashed relationship.  I felt like some of the lyrics were plucked out of my past thoughts in regards to crap relationships.   “And I hope you don’t think that I’m hateful, it don’t matter very much to me” were lyrics that stuck to me especially.

“Bored” followed and pretty much could either have continued talking about poor relationships or perhaps just being old in the scene.  The more I listened to it, the less I thought it was about an actual relationship with someone and more so with some other form of attraction.  Clearly I think weird.  Deal.

It is no surprise that the two acts decided to release a split together.  Both bands really compliment one another’s sound making for a great listen.  Currently available on iTunes and also on Spotify, the split was put out by the amazing Dirtnap Records and the 7″ should be available very soon for purchase on their site.

If you like classic bands like the Ramones, The Ruts, and The Weirdos, do yourself a favor and get into both of these bands now.  They are both too good to not know about.

Remainders/Barons – Split 7″

This may be the best cover art I’ve seen in a while…


I know Jason Lubrano (vocalist of Iron Chic) artwork when I see it.  Well done Sir.

So, how did this come about?

Well, two Pittsburgh punk acts, Remainders and BARONS, decided to join forces and drop a sweet punk rock split for what I would hope was for extra beer money.  The result is an infectious 4-track 7″ that really showcases the talent of each act.  At $5, you’d be a fool not to purchase it.

The good folk over at For The Love Of Punk are actually steaming this split today for your listening pleasure.  Check it out by clicking HERE.

You can also check it out below as it is streaming and available for purchase over at the BARONS BandCamp page.

With only a limited number of pressings, make sure you snag one today.

Album Review: Electric Six – Human Zoo

Electric Six - Human ZooI remember the very first time Electric Six (E6) hit my ears.

I was working at a Borders Books, Music & Cafe in some fancy Cleveland suburb one night just minding my own business.  One of my co-workers was unpacking all of the promotional CDs for the listening booths and asked me to help him out.

Flashback Memory: As I am sure many of your remember, there was a time when CDs were the staple of the music industry and at Borders, we literally had to manually input CDs into the CD players that were locked below the CD shelves.  This was done so all you consumers could come in and check out an album prior to its release.  Duh.

Anyways, I remember seeing a copy of E6’s debut release Fire sitting out on the counter.  For whatever reason, I picked up the CD to see what it was all about and soon flipped it over to see the track titles.  I decided to sneak in a listen after I put the CD into the listening station.  I have been a fan ever since.  I just sat there on the floor of the music department loving every song on that title.  Needless to say, I snagged that CD the day it officially released and have had it in rotation for years.

I can’t say every release since Fire had as huge of an impact on me, but I have always appreciated what Dick Valentine and crew have done for 10+ years now.  Last years Mustang left a pretty good impression on me, but I just was not blown away completely.

The Detroit garage/rock/funk/disco/jam/electronica/jack-of-all-trades genre-bending act just dropped an all new album titled Human Zoo.  I am happy to say I mostly enjoyed the living hell out of it and I am pretty confident any E6 fan out there will too.

“Karate Lips” opened with an enthusiastic chant of “Electric Six” that quickly changed to “karate lips”.   The song, clearly about some tough-ass women, was heavy on the funk with an electric indie rock style that closely resembled stuff you might hear from the The Faint.

“It’s Horseshit!” was almost too much for my brain to compute yet I loved it.  It was like listening to a late 80s boy baElectric Sixnd infused with Daft Punk.  Definitely a track that people can get weird to.  The music and just overall feel of this song really resembled that vibe I first felt on Fire.

Valentine swooned beyond senselessly in “Alone With Your Body”.  I listened to this track a couple of times over because I liked it so much.  This was like the working man’s love jam.  Valentine sang as a simple man with plenty of Detroit soul backing him up.  I adored the back up singing as well as candid lyrics like “I’ll be there in a jiffy with a stiffy”.

“Satanic Wheels” grew on me after listening to it a couple of times.  I loved the synth throughout.  I felt like I was listening to typical E6 but with keyboard playing taking queues from 80s arena rock bands.  It was psychedelic yet indie if that makes sense.  I guess what I am trying to say is that this song ruled and was one of my favorites on the album.

“Gun Rights” was bizarre and unexpected.  I thought I was listening to Ween mashed with Mike Patton.  “Don’t take away my rights, my gun rights” repeated over and over with a fun Mexican folk melody.  The quick spoken-word of Valentine in the middle just kept things even more interesting.

“I Need A Restaurant” just did not do it for me.  The song seemed to just downgrade from all the craziness I previously was engulfed in.  Sadly, I skipped this track halfway into and barely made it through “Worst Movie Ever”.

“I’m the Devil” sounded more like something Tenacious D would have done one of their albums.  It was not terrible by any means but seemed more of a skit than a song.  I almost wish Dave Grohl would have jumped in on this track dressed as the devil.  I did like the Young Guns-like guitar playing style.  The best part of this track was at the very end when apparently Jesus Christ had a speaking roll.  Who knew he was such a burnout?

“The Afterlife” ended with a synth-pop tune that thankfully did not let the album end on a bad note for this listener.  I wish it were a little more sped up but for what it is worth, it was not a terrible listen by any means.

Human Zoo overall was a blast.  E6 continues to entertain but I will admit the latter portion of the album kind of fell short.   Regardless, most of the release got me all sorts of excited just like their debut did over 10 years ago.  This band in my opinion still entertains on a higher level.