Before I even begin this blog, props need to go to my good pal Matt at Addicted To Vinyl for his assistance in helping me through rather vulgar texts on some mp3 help… Thanks jerk.
I had one of those days today. It was a bad day at work. It was just too much for me and I really wish I had a special remote control to help fast forward through all the BS. Unfortunately I do not so I had to go through my work day at a regular speed hating stressful moments.

Finally getting home I just needed some chill time and what better way to do that than to geek out on the laptop. I checked my emails and one in particular grabbed my attention. It was an email inviting me to check out a band called Those Darlins who are currently touring with Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys). Having never heard of them and being a huge Black Keys fan I decided it could not hurt to listen to the attached MP3.
What I heard completely changed my entire day and I am not just saying that. After hearing the song “Wild One” I just felt better. It was a fun folky honest song of sorts and something I really needed to brighten up my day.
So who are these three darlins I speak of? Those Darlins are a folk/country/indie/punk/appalachian/blue grass (hope I did not miss anything) band featuring Kelley Darlin on bass, Jessi Darlin, on guitar, and Nikki Darlin on, get this, baritone ukulele. Awesome.
The trio currently resides in the college town of Murfreesboro, TN a city that rests somewhere between the country capital of the world Nashville and the Woodstock replacing town of Manchester, the city Bonnaroo is held in. Taking their love of playing music and love for a variety of bands of all genres Those Darlins created their own style of music and released the sassy Wild One EP.
Before I even continue you should just click on the link for the song and listen to it for yourself…
–Download This! – Those Darlins – “Wild One”
With one song not enough of a sample I headed to their MySpace page to check out a few more tracks. The vocals on some of the tunes reminded me of a female version of Hank III as well as a twangy Jenny Lewis or even Zooey Deschanel. The music is classic at times and all around enjoyable.
I have a feeling these three cuties and their mustache sporting drummer really will be going places with their unique and chipper sound. To make things even better, I just found out that Those Darlins are coming to the Beachland Ballroom next week. I have to go see them in person and I think I will. Look for an update next week.
-To pick up the EP for just $5.00, or to purchase some of their self-made merchandise visit their site at:
Until then check this video out…