Babble Blog: Weekend + Punk Rock + Friends + Beer = Great Hang

What a weekend…  Time to blog about it!

I’m sitting here right now next to my trusty electric radiator as I really need some heat now that the temperatures are dropping here in tropical Ohio.  I just finished some hot tea, have the pups cuddled up next to me as I type this, and have the final football game of the evening playing in the background.  It’s no surprise the Colts are kicking ass currently and I am still grinning slightly at the Browns’ first win, even if it was pathetic and ugly…

As of late my weekends have been amazing thanks to my gang of pals.  It might help that I am putting myself out there finally after all that I had been going through.  It would appear that I am moving on in the right direction.  Beer helps too.  I have been good, so do not worry.  I am not in the mood to getting plastered.  I have really been appreciating the finer beers in life such as Great Lakes and of course my elixir, Guinness.

My weekend started off a little early this week as some of my punk rock friends and I hit up the Grog Shop to see Strike Anywhere, Polar Bear Club, Crime In Stereo, and Ruiner play.  There is nothing quite like a punk rock show on a rainy evening with good friends and huge cans of PBR.

Ruiner started the evening with a hardcore performance that set the level rather high for the night.  The way they played without care reminded me that sometimes playing show is all about fun.  At times their new drummer missed a couple of beats but the band was quick to laugh it off and start over.

Crime In Stereo was one of the bands I had not heard of before.  Let’s just say I will be buying all of their CDs soon.  They were freaking awesome with their high energy punk rock as well as emo shifts comparable to Brand New, but it was Polar Bear Club and of course Strike Anywhere that won the night over for me.

Having already heard Polar Bear Club’s recent album Chasing Hamburg I already knew I was going enjoy their show.  They sounded amazing and the kids in the pit went nuts singing along and thrashing about.  I stood in the back, I am too old for the jumping around and getting close with my fellow concert goers and I am ok with that.  With my trusty PBR I was contempt with observing and rocking my head to the beat.

Strike Anywhere took the stage in full force and rocked out until their last song.  The political heavy hardcore punk rockers were excited to be back in Cleveland and really put on a great show to all the fans who came out for the night.  Dread-locked lead vocalist Thomas Barnett admitted that even though the band has been around for 10 years that they had not done one thing in Cleveland but were able to earlier in the day as they finally made it to the Rock Hall for a tour.  I hope they enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed their performance.

All of the bands are currently on Bridge Nine Records so there was plenty of merch to be sold at the show.  Sadly the shirt I wanted was not in my size and I was strapped for cash so there was no indulging in vinyl goodness.  Thankfully the internet will be my merch table when I have a few extra bucks to help support those bands.  Here are all of the performing bands newest releases if you care so much to check them out:

After the show a couple of friends and I went to Steak N Shake for a late night stack.  I felt like we were in a creepy movie with the 3rd shift staff looking a little sketchy but they were pleasant, the onion rings were good, and the milk shake was satisfying.

Friday night after my late shift I met up with my pals at a local bar for some beers.  It was not the best choice of bars as I think we could have found something a little more entertaining but it was still nice to sit around at a table and just converse.  My one friend had it in his head that he was going to find girls for us but it did not happen and honestly I was ok with that.

Getting home late night I rest my head on the pillow and before I knew it the sun was up and I was starting on what would turn into a crazy busy day.

I took some time in the morning to update my iPods and got ready for my visit with Matt from Addicted To Vinyl.  Yes folks, Matt visited me.  He drove all the way down to my place with no intention on sitting in my back seat as I escorted him to a festival of sorts.  He was coming to hang out and I was excited like…I don’t know, I was just happy for the hang.

We had a early lunch at Mike’s Place in Kent where our waitress cracked us up with her table departing “You’re Welcome” that was clearly fake and practiced ever so hard.  After eating mad amounts of tater tots and a delicious veggie reuben we made our way into the beautiful downtown area to visit Spin More Records.

Matt had never been to the shop so I was happy to take him there.  We shopped, heckled at an autographed Tesla CD, and did a fair amount of BS’n in the store.  Good times.  Upon leaving the store Matt handed me a 45 of a promo only copy of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts‘ “Roadrunner (Cleveland)”.  Matt explained a lot to me about the song and honestly I value the 45 even more now.  As soon as we got back to my house I dropped the needle on it and we listened to it at high levels.  Matt pointed out the Cleveland references throughout.  Good jam.

Matt had to get going to I slammed the door in his face and did not pay him for The Avett Brother’s I & Love & You LP he so kindly fetched for me from Music Saves (honestly is anyone else as shocked as I am that he is being so nice to me as of late???).

My best buds came over a couple of hours later and we headed to my one friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s housewarming party…phew!

The house was in Akron in a beautiful neighborhood and honestly I was jealous of it.  It was a great looking house with a creepy ass third floor that could very well supply the scenes for future horror movies.  A lot of cool people showed up and everyone mingled while drinking an array of beers.  I stuck with Great Lakes…yum.

After a taco eating contest (I did not take place in it), managing to piss off one of my pal’s sister’s friends, house to garage jumping, a cornhole win, and a chair mysteriously finding it’s way to the garage roof, I found myself sitting around a fire pit with my good friends.  It was the perfect way to end the night.  There is nothing quite like sitting around a fire bringing up past stories and burning old lead paint coated cabinet doors.

We headed home earlier than we all anticipated but honestly we were all beat from day long activities.  Once I got home I just hung out for a bit with the pups and headed to sleepy land.

I woke up and as soon as I got motivated headed to Solon to meet up with my friend and his folks for breakfast.  I had a feeling the jerk was not going to wake up in time and even tried calling him to confirm the meal was still on but received his voicemail.  I completely forgot that his phone was dead but still tried to call my other friend who did not answer as well.

Right before I got off the freeway my friend called stating he had no left yet and just woke up.  I took the opportunity to head to the Borders Books & Music I used to work at to see who was working.  I lucked out as one of my longest known friends was working.

After catching up with him I poked around the store and grabbed this:

Laugh all you want…I’ll be prepared for when it happens.  What’s your zombie escape plan?

Once my friend finally called me telling me they were almost there I departed the book store and stuffed my face with breakfast.  I love me some breakfast, especially when my friend’s dad insists on paying for it.

We all headed back to the parent’s house for a quick digestion/relaxation and I said my goodbyes as one of my friends had to head back home to Cincinnati.  See ya next time pal…

I headed to my brother’s to watch the ugly Cleveland Browns game and upon the end of the game left slightly satisfied with their first win.

By the time I got home I wanted nothing more to do than throw a blanket over my body and fall in and out of sleep during the rest of the football games.  Instead I played with the boys for a bit, jammed out to some music, and got some work done.

It was a great weekend.  I keep mentioning how great my weekends are and I will continue to do so when they are because it’s times like these that I cherish the most.  Being with friends and family.

Next weekend I am heading to see the Northeast Ohio Rock ‘N’ Roller Girls do their thing at the the Summit Country Fairgrounds.  This will be their last bout of the season so if you have nothing going on head on out and help cheer them on for a win!

Look for an interview with members of the team shortly!  I had the privilege to chat with a couple of them and plan on sharing the outcome with you all soon.  Until then, be well. Premiers Converge’s “Axe To Fall” Video

Horror movie website had the honors of premiering a new video off of Converge‘s upcoming Axe To Fall today.  The moment I was told the video was being premiered today, I jumped to the site and checked out the insanely loud and brutal video. also took a moment to interview lead singer Jacob Bannon asking him questions about the upcoming release as well as the disturbing video.

This video very well may scare some folk so I need to slap a NSFW warning before you click play…

Pretty freaky huh?  The new song is pure insanity to my ears.

If you love to subject yourself to horror movies and have not heard of before you best find your way to their site.  I can guarantee you that you will lose hours and hours of time checking out movies and shows offered on the site, many free of charge. will be celebrating their third year this Halloween.  If you are looking for a scare I am sure you will find it within their website.

Be sure to also grab the new Converge when it drops later this month.  Axe To Fall is Converge’s seventh album and will be released on October 20th on Epitaph Records.  From what I am hearing so far it is going to be beyond amazing…

A Message From Claudio Sanchez

Coheed & Cambria mastermind Claudio Sanchez is not all about the music you know…  Evil Ink Comics is a company Sanchez created for his comic books that stream along with the sci-fi albums many have loved, ahem, obsessed over for the last few years…

Obsessed is such a meek word to me when talking about this sci-fi genus…worshiped sounds much better.  I am a Co&Ca freak and love everything Sanchez has ever done and look forward to everything else he comes up with.  I am super excited about all the upcoming projects and releases he is partaking in but it is not fair for me to discuss…

Claudio had a message for his people that he shared on various sites and now I am sharing it with you…

Hello everyone,..

With the debut of Kill Audio this week, a new Coheed album in the works, PFI (Prize Fighter Inferno) slowly brewing and the end of the year quickly approaching, I wanted to take a second to address Evil Inks other running projects and things you have been asking about.

The second TAW Trade will be coming out in December through Image comics. We wanted to get it out for you guys sooner, but it seems the comic world has it’s own calendar sometimes. Nevertheless, there will be some cool extras in it that we will start to unveil when we get a little closer to release. Also, keep in mind that the birth of Kill Audio does not mean for a second that The Amory Wars saga has been shelved or forgotten. In fact, I’ve been hard at work on a brand new TAW project for almost a year. All we can say now is it’s going to be unlike anything Evil Ink has done yet and we think you’ll be as excited as I am about it. We’ll give you more info around Christmas time.

For the time being, I hope you enjoy Kill Audio when he arrives at your local comic shop tomorrow and let his little troll ass and gang of degenerates into your hearts. I think you’ll find the story will keep you on your toes and keep an eye out for Mr. Sheldon’s Coheed and TAW easter eggs scattered throughout. There will plenty of catching up with your friendly Amory Wars characters in December and much more to come.

Over and Out-Claudio

Slacky McSlackster…

Hey all,

Just wanted to send out a quick apology to all 7 of my readers.  Recently I took on a new position at the paying gig (aka work) that has been taking up a lot of my free time.  My hours range from early morning to late nights so my sleeping pattern is kind of messed up at the moment.

I can tell you that I have not forgotten about this little site I run here and have tons I need to share with you.  I just need to stop wanting to hibernate every time I come home.

I do have some concerts lined up this week and beyond:

Strike Anywhere / Polar Bear ClubGrog Shop – 10/08/09
I am super excited to see both acts.  There’s nothing quite like a punk rock show and a handful of friends will be joining me.

Sadly I will be missing another show that night since I can’t be in two places at one time.  A band called Youth Group is playing at Musica in Akron.  I have heard great thinks about these guys from Australia.

Here, see for yourself:

Mike DoughtyBeachland Ballroom – 10/13/09
The one time lead man of Soul Coughing returns to Cleveland touring in support of his latest release Sad Man, Happy Man, a CD I am trying to finish reviewing.  Having seen Mike Doughty many times in the past I know this is going to be one awesome show.

Converge w/ High On Fire – Grog Shop – 10/19/09
I am really hoping to make this show…  You have no idea how badly I want to see Converge.  I just hope I can make it.

Mae w/ special guest Jenny Owen Youngs – Musica – 10/30/09
I am super pumped to see both artists this night not only because I am a big fan of both but I get to hang out with my good pal Matt from Addicted To Vinyl and his super cool lady.

The Whigs w/ The Features – Musica – 10/31/09
As if one night with ATV and lady is not good enough I am going to hang out with them both again to see another great line-up.  I previously saw The Features at the Grog Shop when Those Darlins played with them so I know they are entertaining already and this will be the first time seeing The Whigs live.  Good times to be had, I know it.

Gallows – Grog Shop – 11/08/09
This show is going to be insane…I know it.  This UK band always is a insane act to see live.  I expect Frank Carter and crew to cause some hell on this Sunday night.

Here is a reason why I love Gallows so much:

Insanity. I love it.

So far that is all I have lined up but you never know.  I am trying my hardest to see as many shows as I can.

I’m planning on knocking out some reviews here shortly and I have some amazing bands I want to share with everyone including FREE MP3s!  So hang in there and I promise to spoil you with something entertaining.

Until then, be well.

Har Mar Superstar “Tallboy” Video + Whip It (No, not the Devo song…)

Seems like I have been pimping out Har Mar Superstar a lot lately.  I can’t help it, he’s great.  I still have yet to hear the entire album that just dropped recently called Dark Touches but I did get to hear the first single from the release “Tallboy”.  Electro-catchy and now put into video format for you all to enjoy.

Fun little fact for you all:  This song was was originally submitted for Britney Spears. After Spears rejected the song Har Mar decided to sing it himself.  I think it was meant to be…

Are you still reading this?  Well I might as well add one more Har Mar tidbit.  There is a movie about the hot hot sport of roller derby coming out this weekend called Whip It.  Har Mar plays a roller derby coach in the movie.  He also recorded a cover of an Association song, “Never My Love”, with Flea, yes from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, on the horns that can be heard during the credits as well as on the soundtrack to the movie.

Two Flea references in two posts…  It was a fluke I swear!!!

What?  You have not heard of Whip It yet?  Well of course I will post a trailer of the movie…

I’m not going to lie, this movie scares the crap out of me.  One, I know I will like it.  That Juno girl always wins me over.  Two, I am a huge fan of roller derby and I am afraid this movie it going to make the sport too popular.  Before you know it, Kanye is going to make a rap song about it.

The sport does deserve credit, those women take a lot of pain in doing what they love.  It’s real.  I am glad that there are real actors in this movie too though…  I will be checking it out.

It just seems to me that sometimes people will look for anything to make a movie.  What’s next, a movie about two people playing cornhole who fall in love?  I think I am on to something…


Thanks to one of my readers named Jen my dreams of one day making a cornhole movie were shattered after she brought this to my attention…

No this is not a joke and yes I do give up…