That could have come off a little sarcastic. This time I am serious though and I am not feeling sorry for myself.
I won a contest over at Sensory Overload today. Kelly and Jose were holding a little contest of sorts and this morning I submitted a comment with an answer to their question:
What/Who do you think exactly are influences behind The Little Ones sound?
Having not heard of The Little Ones before I checked out the mp3’s that Kelly and Jose so kindly posted. I liked what I heard and threw in my two cents. Today I got an email from Kelly saying I won a Little Ones t-shirt and an autographed vinyl from the band. Pretty sweet! Thanks guys!
It pays off to check out other people’s blogs! I should be having some contests this year as well as I am teaming up with a couple of labels myself. Stay tuned.
-Check out Sensory Overload
-Check out the The Little Ones on MySpace