It’s been a bit since I listened to The Casualties and today I was reminded why I dig them so much thanks to a new video of “We Are All We Have” that posted on MySpace. Having been a huge fan of theirs for years I really have no solid reason why I have not been keeping tabs on their releases. 2004’s On The Front Line has been and will be one of my favorite punk albums to listen to probably for the rest of my life as it just stuck to me.
The NYC street punk band had always stood out over other bands to me primarily due to their dedication to keeping their musical style more like the 80’s punk. I seriously could listen to this band all day.
Street punk, gutter punk, punk punk – call it what you want. These boys know how to dish it out.
Their new album We Are All We Have dropped in stores late summer (and apparently is available at Target???) and sadly I still have yet to check it out but after seeing the video below I want to check it out more than ever now. Looks like I am off to Target.