The other day I left a FaceBook comment for my non-manual vehicle driving pal Matt. He had tweeted (yes, tweeted on Twitter) that he was listening to Ben Folds. I thought I would be witty and clever and posted the following:
Ben Folds is watching you...
“Ben Folds Your Clothes”
The statement was funny and bold. I am sure Matt got a laugh out of it or cried himself a bit that night to sleep. Regardless I chalked one up on the board for being funny.
Today he tweets that Ben Folds is playing in Lakewood, OH on 3/22…
Coincidence? Hell yes it is. I am sure Ben Folds was looking at both of our FaceBook pages this morning and thought to himself “man I really need to visit these two lame-o’s…maybe I’ll play a show in Lakewood.”
Good idea Ben Folds… Thanks for extending your tour to the cool city of Lakewood on a Sunday. I have got to find tickets for this.
-Check out the tour dates on Ben Folds’ website. (note, I am not seeing that Lakewood date but I know Matt would not lie about this…)
-Did you know another Ben Folds CD was released? It is called Stems & Seeds and has is for a nice price. I am very interested to hear the remixes as I was not a huge fan of Way To Normal.
I really was not going to post anything about a holiday today that generally is about false hopes and weight gain. Why should most folk express their love more so on one day a year with cheesy cards and expensive chocolates? Recession my ass, people look for reasons to spend, I’m sorry, WASTE, money and Valentine’s Day is one of them.
I am not against love. I am in love. I am married and love my wife to death. I love my friends and my family and even my spoiled rotten dogs. I am so lucky to be in love.
I hate days where people try to be one step better then they already are and V-Day is one of them. I don’t know about you but I try every day to be a better person to my wife. I don’t use balloons and stuffed teddy bear bribes on Feb. 14th to show my wife how much I love her. In fact, I am working all day today and will not be seeing her until tomorrow.
I should put my foot in my mouth right at this moment though because I did buy my wife a massage yesterday but it was not for V-Day at all. I took her to the massage place on Friday The 13th… It was for her because I felt it was time to buy her another one. She was stressed with school and needed a healthy dose of relax. I do things like this because I love her. It just so happened to be the day before V-Day….honest.
I did not buy her candy or flowers. No cards or cute little knick knacks were left on the counter for her when she woke up this morning. I did not dress up like cupid and shoot arrows at her either. (That would be a scary sight!!!)
I just do what I do all the time, love her.
I hate the idea of a holiday that makes love seem that much important one day out of the year. Then again if it can make someone who generally is not that nice one bit nicer to the person they claim to love… Damn, I feel sorry for them.
So why am I ranting anyways?
Well Matt over at posted his first ever Valentine’s Day blog. He thanks me along with a few others for “connecting” with him and keeping him sane while he enjoys solo (relationship-free) time off.
While reading his blog I started thinking about another reason why I hate V-Day. It was a reason I have forgotten about long ago. It just clicked in my head and the second I thought of it I laughed.
Well of course I am going to share it with you…did you even have to think of asking???
When I was in second grade I got in trouble on Valentine’s Day. In the tradition of putting Valentine’s Day cards in specially designed shoe boxes full of hearts and the colors red & pink I dropped a rather inappropriate card into one classmate’s box.
It read: “You Are Ugly”
I meant it too. I thought the girl was ugly as hell and I guess Valentine’s Day was my confession day to her.
Of course my bold statement made her cry out loud and run to my teacher. Immediately I was repromanded for my actions seeing how I signed my name on the card and I was promptly taken to the corner of the classroom where I was forced to think alone about what I just did as well as write an apology letter to said ugly girl. I did what I was told and pretty much filled the paper with lies and other false hope.
I admit…that was a crappy thing to do. I do not remember if I did it as a dare to impress friends or if I was just being an a-hole at a very young age. I am not even sure my teacher shared my actions with my parents. I just knew I got yelled at for telling someone how I really felt and I hated the holiday for getting in trouble for it. I never favored the day since…
AVD = Anti-Valentine’s Day. That is where I stand. Maybe because I know what love really is an cherish it, or maybe because I have just been an a-hole all my life since that once forgotten day in second grade.
Love on the other hand is a wonderful thing. It may not be for everyone, but for those who crave it and those who experience it…you know what I mean.
Here’s two videos that help define the love between my wife and I… Nothing too mushy I promise:
Today is a day that people will be talking about for years to come. Today is a day that will stand out in history.
Today is a great day.
That’s right folks I speak of the event that is happening today that are making people around the world talk. The event, in case you are out of the loop, is my birthday.
Yup, today happens to be the first day I opened my eyes the year punk was born.
I happen to share my birthday with quite a few important people too. In no real order: David Lynch, Bill Maher, Skeet Ulrich, Rob Bourdon (Linkin Park), Sid Wilson (Slipknot), ?uestlove (The Roots), Tracii Guns (Guns N Roses), Greg Kriesel (The Offspring), Nicky Wire (Manic Street Preechers), and Derrick Green (Sepultura).
I will gladly accept presents from anyone. I accept Paypal as well.
You can stop shaking your head now…
Today is an important day with an important inauguration. Now I try to stray away from my political/religious views on this site at all costs, but today deserves at least some mention of the day.
I admit I have been absent from doing what I do on here for a minute but I promise to be in full force shortly. I have many CDs I am in the process of reviewing as well as requests to check out bands and such. I have a lot on my plate and I intend to do a good job cleaning it up.
I have a dilemma. This Saturday tickets go on sale for:
The dilemma is do I shell out the cash to go? I know this may be the last time I may ever get to see the duo. Decisions, decisions…
Also this is coming up:
I do not want to miss this either. I need to find a bag of money.
I am heading out for the weekend here but when I get back will be putting up some good reading material for you all. Until then have a great weekend!!!