Category Archives: Punk

Times Of Yore: Repo Man

"A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness." - Miller

Back in 1984 a certain movie came out focused around a group of men who ideally remove people’s cars from their property once the owners failed to pay the bank what was owed.  The movie, Repo Man, of course was not just about stealing back cars for the bank and had a twist of sorts including aliens, drugs, and also offered one of the best punk rock movie soundtracks to date.  The movie is a comedic sci-fi cult classic to many and still to this day one of my favorite movies to watch.

Starring a young brat pack Emilio Estevez (The Outsiders, St. Elmo’s Fire, Men At Work) as well as Harry Dean Stanton (Cool Hand Luke, Alien, Escape From New York) the movie focuses on Otto (played by Estevez), a young punk kid with hippie parents and no plans on life.  Soon Otto meets up with Bud (played by Harry Dean Stanton) who takes him under his wing into the twisted world of booze, drugs, hi speed chases, and of course hot wiring cars.  Soon Otto is part of the repo crew and he is slowly discovering a sense of maturity.

If the movie sounds boring to you then maybe I should also mention the hunt for a certain 1964 Chevrolet Malibu from New Mexico driven by crazed old man who has something hidden in the trunk.  I am not going to ruin it for you but I can tell you the contents in the truck emit incredible heat and also vaporize anyone who opens the trunk door to see the actual contents.  With a hefty reward for repossessing the car no one will stop at trying to get it.

Add a crew of druggie punk rockers raising hell in the city, a girl who wants to help the said aliens, and the lady with the tin foil hand this movie really goes all over the place.  This crazy trip through the mean streets of L.A. is one hell of an adventure.

One of the highlights during the film for me is to see punk rockers The Circle Jerks playing as a lounge act at a bar that Otto visits.  The song they play is a slowed down version of “When The Sh*t Hits The Fan”.  I also loved all of the generic food products in the movie.  Beer is labeled “Beer” and chips are labeled “Chips”.  So generic yet so perfect for the movie especially when Otto eats of an open can of “Food”.

The soundtrack to the movie was one of the first of it’s kind as it was full of punk rock songs from major punk acts of the 80’s. Featuring Iggy Pop, The Plugz, Suicidal Tendencies, and Black Flag just to name a couple the soundtrack was like no other soundtrack of it’s time and remains a classic to this day.

I had actually purchased the soundtrack on cassette when I just was a young kid before I even saw the movie.  Seeing a soundtrack featuring Iggy Pop and the Circle Jerks was good enough for me.  I eventually grabbed a VHS copy of the move and watched that movie over and over.  It was really one of the first movies I repeatedly would watch.  Once DVDs came out a good friend of mine bought me the Repo Man collector’s DVD tin box that includes the movie and the soundtrack on CD.  Score.

This movie is not going to ooh and aah people who are looking for something serious.  It is a comedy action sci-fi punk rock movie with no structured plot other than a bunch of hoodlums trying to get the car to get the reward.  Punk music backing up a movie about repo men, guns, drugs, violence, car chases, and a surprise ending.  Can a movie get any better than this?

“Repo Man” performed by Iggy Pop:

The Sidekicks – SAM – 7″ Review

I just found my new favorite hometown punk rock band thanks to a friend who literally left me their four song 7″ SAM in my door on Monday. I still have yet to hear their full release but I can tell you that from the four songs I heard I was turned to an instant fan.

The band is called The Sidekicks and they hail from all three major Ohio cities according to their MySpace page.  Recently just playing Berea Fest IV the band has a pretty big east coast tour lined up in front of them where they will finish off in NYC but only to hit the road again at the end of October to play the Gainsville, FL Fest 8.

The 7″ was actually a tie me over until their full length So Long, Soggy Dog was released and just gives you a small taste of how great this band is.  Heavy pop punk with hints towards acts like The Falcon, The Lawrence Arms, Gaslight Anthem, The Get Up Kids, even O Pioneers!!! This band has some serious potential at making a name for themselves with their upbeat punk as well as a matured indie rock feel.

I did not know what to expect when I spun this 7″  and “Hop On A Sea Cow & Manatee Up” played, but I can tell you I was moderately shocked at how solid sounding it was.  The band has some serious talent and this song alone won me over.  The first band that came to mind if someone asked me what this song sounded like easily would be Millencolin.

“Bryant Gregst (gets nervous)” honestly had more so an indie rock feel to it but that did not discourage me one bit.  The singing alone was so charismatic and inviting I had to give it another listen just to enjoy it some more. “The Island” again was more so an indie rock jam but it was so good especially at the climax of the song where lead singer just explodes vocally.

For a mere four bucks this 7″ can be yours too by heading over to Woah Oh Records, or if you prefer you can download it from iTunes as well.  If you want to take it a step further head over to Vinyl Collective and put in and order their full length So Long, Soggy Dog.

If you are a fan of punk rock you really need to at least check these guys out.  From what I hear their live shows are not to be missed and now that I know of their existence I will make a huge effort to hit one of their shows.

I’m not sure how much longer a band like The Sidekicks will be and underground punk band seeing as they have the skills to play with the big boys.  I can only imagine the crowd at Fest 8 when The Sidekicks introduce themselves to all the punk rock loving fans.  I am sure the outcome of their set will be amazing.

Just do me a favor guys, don’t forget about Cleveland.

The Sidekicks – Hop On a Sea Cow & Manatee Up from If You Make It on Vimeo.

BrokeNCYDE – I’m Not A Fan…But The Kids Like It! – CD Review

This was the review I was never supposed to do, a release by a band that really is a slap to the face to all musicians out there by a group of four who do not look like they take themselves too seriously.  The album title alone of BrokeNCYDE’s debut release pretty much could sum up reviews of many; I’m Not A Fan…But The Kids Like It! All I can say about this band is that they are indeed the bastard cousins of NSYNC, the ones your parents warned you to stay away from.

It was tough for me even to put this album in the CD player after I took a look at the front cover.  Four tattooed “bros” decked out in fur lined coats all holding alcoholic beverages sitting in the back of an SUV just does not do anything for me.  Add some hair styles that would get the boys in Fall Out Boy jealous and you can just count me out.  I like hip hop, crunk, screamo, and punk but I did not think I would when it was all combined together.  Still there was some curiosity to the CD so I finally grabbed it, threw it in, and as much as I hate to admit, actually liked some of it.

What is it about BrokeNCYDE’s beyond opened minded crunk mixed with punk and screamo that is even slightly likable to me?  I honestly have no idea but some of the songs just get stuck in my head.  Perhaps I like it because I have never heard quit a mix up before.  Apparently I am not the only one that likes it either.  The CD debuted #87 on the Billboard #200 and has had almost 40 million plays on their MySpace page.

Imagine musical styles of Hawthorne Heights, Enter Shakari, 3OH!3, and Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz layered with pro-buzz claims and booty favoring ideals and that should pretty much sum up what the band has to offer.  As annoying as it can rub off I actually found myself getting a kick out of some of the songs but mostly for novelty reasons.

“Skeet Skeet” is a mess of a song with screamo cries and crunk-like jams making for a song that will get all the crunk rock worshipers out there moving.  “Booty Call” featuring E-40 will easily be a dance floor anthem for all the clubs across the world.  The song is has the ability to sneak its way into all the hip hop lover’s ears with undergarment dropping success.

“Yellow Bus” on the other hand was the worst song I have ever heard in my life.  For some reason the boys in BrokeNCYDE call their manhood a yellow bus (maybe you should get that looked at fellas).  I feel sorry for the poor bastard that had to listen to this song over and over while it was being mastered while those terrible cheap quick lyrics barely spoken over decent beats.  “Get Up” was not much better although it did feature Daddy X of the Kottonmouth Kings.

“40oz.” is another deranged club song that easily will keep the dance floor moving.  Tristan Krause, the man behind the beats on this track really has a good thing going for him.  It’s a complete variety of different hip hop beats and electronica blended just right.

The lyrics of “Sex Toys” cracked me up and by no means are for listeners 17 and younger.  Think Eminem clever lyrics meets Tommy Lee‘s craving on an outrageous demeaning quest that is just not necessary by any standards.  Once “Rockstar” came on and I heard the chorus I admitted I had enough and turned the album off.  “Getting retarded” and “drinking Bacardi” is fine but when they started talking about their mating preferences being smooth on top (you know there) I had enough.

Even though the album seems to give a nod to Lil John a lot I feel that I have heard some of the beats before.  The lyrics were clearly attention getting as that is pretty much all that BrokeNCYDE has going for them.  Maybe if they toned down the partying and sexual innuendo lyrics and just sung about something with meaning they would be tolerable to more folk out there.  Luckily I like all types of music so I was able to find some good in this CD, just not a lot.

Having already seen crunk and punk mashed before by bands like 3OH!3 this band takes it to a new level.  I never once thought it would be possible to hear a mess like this, but they do it so well. I can guarantee most of you will hate this band for all they are worth.  Musically declined, they have found their niche in entertainment but with a unique flair.  Currently making a full tour appearance on the Van’s Warped Tour I have this feeling this will not be the last time we hear from these tattooed crunk loving mongrels.  I just hope next time they can do it a little differently, possibly with meaning.

Here is a video from one of the songs I liked from the album. I know it sucks, but to me it sucks in a good way…
brokeNCYDE – Booty Call Feat. E-40

This one…not so good. Looks like some douchbaggery at it’s finest:
brokeNCYDE – 40oz

American Steel – Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts – CD Review

Banded then disbanded then rebanded, American Steel is back with their second release since their regrouping. After reuniting just two years ago after a five year hiatus the Bay City punkers have a follow-up release on Fat Wreck Chords titled Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts since joining forces with the independent label in 2007.

Having been around since 1995 the band has had some obstructions with some change ups and personal battles including a bout of Leukemia, but they overcame those obstacles and seem to be back in full force. With their onward battle to keep as a band they pretty much keep the punk rock tough in their music on their latest release making for a solid listen.

Opening track “Emergency House Party” has a full forced approach to it. Reminding me of the SoCal punk styles of the nineties I found myself already enjoying the CD just one song in. Before the track “Tear The Place Apart” even finished I found myself tapping my foot and singing along as if I had heard the song a hundred times before.

“Your Ass Ain’t Laughing Now” is a clear callout to someone that might have overlooked the abilities of American Steel in their early stages or perhaps jaded them. The song is comical as well as just fun to listen to with a small ska feel hiding behind guitar playing.

Hinting at a Strung Out style was “The Blood Gets Everywhere” a track that was a little more technical than the others. I absolutely adored this song and found myself sitting there with the CD book open in front of me reading the lyrics while listening along to the song. I felt like a kid all over again.

Title track “Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts” was a little more of an upbeat punk track inviting you to move along to the song but with a clear discontented message that really will make you think. If a video has not been made for this track showing people carelessly dancing around then maybe one should be.

“Lights Out” was more of a rough sounding punk rock track once again hinting back to the SoCal style of the nineties. Fast paced and to the point the track really reminded me of Face To Face. “Bergamot” continued with the awesomeness of the album as well did “Where You Want To Be”.

This album is going to be liked by a lot of people once all of the current American Steel fans tell all of their friends how great Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts really is. From start to finish I was treated to a revelry of a punk rock album. With no dull moments throughout, this is one of those recordings out there that sets the standard for wholesome punk rock.

American Steel truly has outdone themselves on Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts as they just sound stronger and more controlled than ever. One can only hope they expand their mini tour of the West Coast to more of a statewide venture. I would love to see these guys rock out live. Fans of Alkaline Trio and Face To Face will get a kick out of Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts as well anyone else out there who likes straightforward punk rock from a band not trying too hard just to turn heads.

DOWNLOAD THIS! American Steel – “Emergency House Party”
DOWNLOAD THIS! American Steel – “Safe And Sound”

Here’s a live clip “Sons Of Averice” a song off their previous album:

Those Darlins – Beachland Tavern – Cleveland, OH – 07/14/09 – Concert Review

For the third time this year Nashville’s trio of vixens also known as Those Darlins returned to Cleveland. The trio recently released their debut album on their very own Oh Wow Dang records and the girls decided it would be best to celebrate via touring the states. Having just played the Beachland Ballroom as an opening act a few months ago, the girls were headlining their own show this time at the cozy little Beachland Tavern.

I really did not catch the two opening band’s names nor do I care to know them for future reference. The first band of the night with the canine name really had this cool young Stooges feel at times but to be honest, they needed to practice more. People do not pay money for shows to watch two plus attempts at starting a song let alone see the signer get angry with the snickering crowd because of the mishap. Simmer down tight jean wearing lead singer lad; practice makes perfect, anyone can tell you that.

The second band was just too much for me. Imagine a lead signer you think might have a signing voice like Chris Martin only to be shocked by vocals that resemble more Hope Sandoval (Mazzy Star) meets Ween. There was a small crowd checking them out and I was not one of them. The music was not bad but adding that creepy helium singing over it just ruined it.

Ed. Note: Now normally I try not to bash bands too much while performing (blatant lie of course), but it’s kind of hard not to when your good buddy and music critic Matt is sitting next to you.  I won’t post anything we “Tweeted” that night but feel free to try and find the few that we did post while sitting through that torture.

Luckily Those Darlins were up next so unlike someone I know, I stayed for their set. After all it was the whole reason I was at the tavern. I sure as hell was not there to see the two opening bands…

With a slow start into their set Those Darlins played as the crowd stood motionless almost like Lake Erie zombies but soon everyone mellowed out after a few songs and drinks. The threesome of ladies played their all too familiar boot-stomping fun country-rock and by the looks of all the nodding heads in the tavern I was not the only one enjoying it.

Smiles were all over the faces of Those Darlins as they played quite a few tracks off of their debut album including “222”, Wild One”, and to comical “Whole Damn Thing”. For the first time since I have seen them live they jumped off the stage for a moment to interact with the crowd and at one time Kelly Darlin almost leveled my friend to the ground as she dove towards him with bass in hnd. Nikki Darlin even took the mic to the floor and danced with one lucky gentleman as she sang.  Fan interaction is always a good thing.

There’s a reason why I have seen these ladies live so many times. Is it because they are good looking? Perhaps. Is it because I really get a kick out of their style? Indeed.

There’s just something so addictive about their blend of music that just captured me the first time I heard it. Since then I am sure many of you readers know I became almost fanatical with them. I joked with Kelly Darlin after the show that night that I was a “Darlin Junkie” and she laughed but understood my gratitude for her and her band.

If you have not checked out the band yet do me a favor and at least hit up their MySpace page and sample some of their songs. You might be surprised, as I was, and might like them. Punk rock attitude, drinking dames, and country music fortitude; does it seriously get any better than this???