Category Archives: Punk

Concert Review: Alkaline Trio / Cursive – House of Blues – Cleveland, OH – 03/04/2010

Pop punk rockers Alkaline Trio paid the House of Blues in Cleveland a visit on Thursday with special guests indie rockers Cursive as well as rock act The Dear & Departed.  This was the second stop for Alkaline Trio who just started touring in support of their new release This Addiction.  The line-up of the evening was an interesting mix but still it looked to be a great evening of music for all who filled up the venue.

Most commonly known as the guy who tattoos along side Kat Von D on the reality show LA Ink, Dan Under and his band did their best to warm up the crowd with their straight forward rock music.  The crowd gave them the respect they deserved but it really did not look as if too many were really getting into them.  A couple fans sang along and gave support but the energy level was still rather low.

Nebraska’s Cursive on the other hand played a solid, yet interesting, set  that eventually caused a lot of cheer by the set’s end.  Hammering through “Some Red Handed Sleight Of Hand” as later playing “Art Is Hard” the band threw on an absolutely amazing show.  I especially enjoyed hearing “From The Hips” off their latest release Mama, I’m Swollen.  Digging deep into their catalog the band even played “Mothership Mothership, Do You Read Me?” which absolutely floored me.  It was clear though that not everyone around me was enjoying the indie, almost experimental, performance with a very vocal Tim Kasher but I will admit that there are some folk out there today looking into who exactly this Cursive band is.

Alkaline Trio took the stage in full force and started the night off with “This Addiction” off their latest release.  The band looked so comfortable on stage and Matt Skiba and Dan Andriano shuffled about on stage as Derek Grant beat the hell out of the drums.  Skiba announced in the middle of songs that he was at a photo shoot earlier in the day for some magazine called High Times admitting that “if it seems like I’m really stoned, it’s because I am.”   Needless to say the crowd went berserk.

Adding to the energy of the night the band carried onward with an amazing set playing old and new songs.  Seeing Andriano pick up the horn on “Lead Poisoning” was one of the highlights of my night for some reason.  I really enjoyed that track off their new album but seeing it live just made me appreciate it even more.  If that was not good enough, once the band finished that more poppy track they jumped back a few years and played “Mr. Chainsaw” only to return to new material again with “Dead On The Floor”.

Throughout the night I was continually impressed to see what song the band would play next.  Hearing “Fuck You Aurora” and later the Manson inspired “Sadie” the set list just kept getting better and better and the band just hit every song head-on with almost everyone in the house singing along.  Just when I thought think things could not get better the band played “’97”.  At that very moment I was completely contempt with Alkaline Trio’s set.

The band exited the stage with fans pleading for one more song.  I decided this might be a good time to make way to the back of the venue and to call it a night.  As I was walking back the crowd exploded in cheer as the band did a little switch up with Skiba on drums, Andriano on guitar, and Grant on bass and vocals.  The band appeased me by playing one of my favorite Misfits songs ever, “Attitude”.  All I could say was “are you kidding me” and stopped dead in my tracks and started singing along with everyone else.  It was the perfect way to end an amazing performance.  I was a happy concert goer.

Alkaline Trio’s Set List
This Addiction
Dine, Dine My Darling
We’ve Had Enough
Lead Poisoning
Mr. Chainsaw
Dead On The Floor
Fatally Yours
Fuck You Aurora
Goodbye Forever
In Vein
100 Stories
Nose Over Tail


Alkaline Trio – This Addiction – CD Review

Punk rock threesome Alkaline Trio (AK3) recently released their seventh studio album entitled This Addiction on their newly established independent record label properly called Heart & Skull. The label actually is a joint-venture with help from legendary punk record label Epitaph Records. AK3 stated that they took a step back into their punk roots this time while recording This Addiction and have also taken a lot of their personal ventures and incorporated them into this more DIY sounding solid release.

Starting off the album is the title track “This Addiction”, a pop-punk heavy track talking about love being more like an easily addictive drug such as heroin. The track is super catchy and keeps with the AK3 style that they have held over the years.  Following was “Dine, Dine My Darling” a track clearly titled in favor of The Misfits.

Moving along with clearly  somber theme was “Lead Poisoning” that featured an almost NOFX horn style solo that made the song stick out over others.  “Dead On The Floor” was a dreary track speaking of high hoped love falling apart.  Having been in the situation before of a blinded happiness I really took this song in and at the end was actually a little bummed out. Continuing the darker mood was “The American Scream”, a story about sadness and suicide with likable music throughout the track but just chilling to absorb.

Changing things up a tad was “Eating Me Alive” a more upbeat track with interesting synthesizer playing.  “Fine” may have been a slower jam on the album but with lyrics like “it’s ironic that I drink to make my insides stop hurting” it was clear how personable the song about shrugging off the pain was.  “Those Lungs” was a little heavier at the beginning but mellowed out into a tender track guaranteed to make a special someone swoon.

At just over forty minutes the album is enjoyable throughout but one would always appreciate more AK3 right?  Luckily for fans who want more such as myself, the band also released a deluxe edition featuring acoustic tracks of “This Addiction”, “Dine, Dine My Darling”, “Dead On The Floor”, and an awesome version of  “Fine” which to me sounds better than the original.  A DVD is also included in the deluxe version showcasing a live performance of AK3 at the House of Blues in Las Vegas.

If you are a fan of AK3 and were not feeling with their last release Agony & Irony you might be surprised what the guys have to offer this time around.  This Addiction is a worthy AK3 release and can easily be played over and over.  With that said I might as well add that the album debuted at #11 on the Billboard Top 200 so obviously I am not the only one who has been digging This Addiction.

AK3 just embarked on a US tour with indie rockers Cursive as well as The Dear & Departed.  Be sure to check them out when they hit a town near you.  I’ll be there tonight in Cleveland and you can say that I am a little excited about being there!

Alkaline Trio Tour Dates:
03/03/10 – Columbus, OH – Newport Music Hall
03/04/10 – Cleveland, OH – House of Blues
03/05/10 – Pittsburgh, PA – Club Zoo
03/06/10 – Toronto, CAN – The Phoenix Concert Theater
03/08/10 – Clifton Park, NY – Northern Lights
03/09/10 – Hartford, CT – The Webster Theater
03/11/10 – Philadelphia, PA – Trocadero SOLD OUT
03/12/10 – New York, NY – Nokia Theatre Times Square SOLD OUT
03/13/10 – Sayreville, NJ – Starland Ballroom
03/14/10 – Providence, RI – Lupos Heartbreak Hotel
03/16/10 – Towson, MD – Rocher Theatre
03/17/10 – Charlotte, NC – Amos’ Southend
03/18/10 – Charleston, SC – Music Farm
03/19/10 – Atlanta, GA – Masquerade
03/20/10 – Jacksonville Beach, FL – Freebird Live
03/22/10 – Orlando, FL – House of Blues
03/23/10 – Fort Lauderdale, FL – Revolution
03/25/20 – New Orleans, LA – House of Blues
03/26/10 – Houston, TX – Warehouse Live
03/27/10 – Dallas, TX – The Palladium Ballroom
03/28/10 – Austin, TX – Emo’s
03/30/10 – Tempe, AZ – The Marquee Theater
04/01/10 – San Diego, CA – House of Blues
04/02/10 – West Hollywood, CA – House of Blues
04/03/10 – Las Vegas, NV – House of Blues

Clothing giants Hurley just released some special edition AK3 apparel.  Check it out by clicking HERE.

Here are some of my favorite AK3 music videos:

Tim Barry – 28th & Stonewall – CD Review

Tim Barry, most commonly known for being the lead of punk rock outfit Avail, has done it again his way with his most recent release 28th & Stonewall. Once again he has created an honest solid album heavy on the folk with no bells or whistles that any hardworking music loving American can appreciate. The release is a personable attempt and can relate to any hard working person out there who knows all too well what the American dream really is all about.  This is his fourth release on Suburban Home Records.

Still putting time in a 9 to 5 job when not touring, Tim Barry is just like everyone else.  The guy is a true American at heart and is not thrilled about emails and technology.  He is happiest at home with a beer and might just be one of the friendliest guys out there.  Just don’t piss him off as he still has some of that punk rock angst left in him.  Recently some drunk idiot found that out while heckling Barry on stage at a show during a more personal song.  The result was a fight that should never have happened but proved a point – don’t mess with passion.

Granted he used to front a punk rock band, these days the friendly fellow finds himself more of a folk artist.  When time allows he gets together with friends and family in his hometown of Richmond, VA and records songs just for the pure joy of it.  Recording most of the songs in a three week period while home on break from seemingly increasing tours the material turned into 28th & Stonewall and really may be his best work yet.

The boot stomping “Thing Of The Past” started off the album with a very direct sincere track about everyday life of not only the singer but many other folk in this world talking about lack of money and living life. With lyrics like “I want nothing and that’s still all I have” as well as “it’s not what you make or do, it’s how you’re living” how could someone not appreciate his lyricism?

“Prosser’s Gabriel” stuck out over all other tracks on the album as Tim Barry told the story of an attempted slavery uprising Virginia by a former slave who was never added to the history books. I was glued to the story throughout the song featuring Tim Barry and his guitar. The song was not something I would have expected Barry to write but it was done so well. Not only did the song stick in my head days later but also intrigued me to learn more about this unknown hero.

One of the most enjoyable songs on the album was “Will Travel” featuring the No BS Band who supplied some heavy New Orleans style horn playing. “Moving On Blue” was a gloomier track pertaining to a relationship laid to rest featuring Daniel Clark (who has helped out Ryan Adams on more than one occasion) on piano.

“Downtown VCU” tells the story of a girl who was “one part country one part urban thug” (love it!) that passed on a newly enrolled college student. The song is a story of humor that really reminded me of Johnny Cash’s “A Boy Named Sue”. It had a point to it but was also surrounded by all sorts of witty calamity resulting in a fun track.

“Bus Driver” really put an end to the CD in the right way. Tim Barry sang on how he is tired of touring and singing and just wanted to go home. Thanking his booking agent and bashing his tour manager he asks that people let everyone know that he “long gone” and for everyone to “go on” without him. He even requested fans to tip his merch girl because she was not making enough. Not to be taken literally the song is more of a thank you to all the people that surrounded him as he toured.

While listening to the CD on the way to work a couple weeks back my mood changed and I really just wanted to turn around, grab a 12 pack, and just drink myself into a comfortable state while continuing to listen to the CD.  No, I am not a closet drunk or anything but this CD just had that effect. Full of storytelling songs I could just hang out on a porch with friends and listen to on repeat all day long.

Tim Barry really outdid himself on this album and proved the point of being a working man by stating that he “could stay home and make a lot more money working at the Richmond Ballet” but confesses that he “wouldn’t feel fulfilled”.  Thanks for continuing to do what you fo Tim, it is well appreciated.  Look for Tim Barry to tour in a town near you this Spring.  (Tour dates listed below)

Tim Barry 2010 Tour:
3/2/2010 Virginia Beach, VA @ Jewish Mother
3/3/2010 Chapel Hill, NC @ Local 506 w/ Ninja Gun
3/4/2010 Columbia, SC @ New Brookland Tavern w/ Ninja Gun
3/5/2010 Atlanta, GA @ Purgatory at the Masquerade w/ Ninja Gun
3/6/2010 New Orleans, LA @ Zeitgeist w/ Ninja Gun
3/7/2010 Houston, TX @ Walter’s on Washington w/ Ninja Gun
3/8/2010 Austin, TX @ Emo’s w/ Ninja Gun
3/9/2010 Dallas, TX @ the Prophet Bar
3/11/2010 Tempe, AZ @ Yucca Tap Room
3/12/2010 San Diego, CA @ Soda Bar w/ Possessed By Paul James
3/13/2010 Long Beach, CA @ Alex’s Bar w/ Possessed By Paul James
3/14/2010 Los Angeles, CA @Jaunita’s w/ Brian Hanover
3/15/2010 Santa Barbara, CA @ Velvet Jones
3/16/2010 Santa Cruz, CA @ Blue Lagoon
3/17/2010 Sacramento, CA @ Blue Lamp
3/19/2010 Oakland, CA @ The Stork Club
3/20/2010 San Francisco, CA @ Thee Parkside
3/22/2010 Portland, OR @ Hawthorne Theatre Lounge w/ Michael Dean Damron
3/23/2010 Seattle, WA @ El Corazon w/ Lizzie Huffman
3/25,2010 Salt Lake City,UT @ Burt’s Tiki Lounge
3/26/2010 Denver, CO @ Three Kings Lounge
3/27/2010 Lawrence, KS @ Replay Lounge
3/29/2010 Louisville, KY @ Skull Alley w/ Red Clay River
3/30/2010 Indianapolis, IN @ the Vollrath Tavern w/ Red Clay River
3/31/2010 Chicago, IL @ Reggies Rock Club w/ Red Clay River
4/1/2010 Detroit, MI @ Smalls w/ Red Clay River
4/2/2010 Cleveland, OH @ Beachland Tavern w/ Red Clay River
4/3/2010 Harrisonburg, VA @Court Square Theatre (MacRock) w/ Red Clay River
4/5/2010 Washington, DC @ Black Cat Backstage w/ Red Clay River
4/6/2010 Philadelphia, PA @ Johnny Brenda’s w/ The Menzingers, Red Clay River
4/7/2010 Cambridge, MA @ Middle East Upstairs w/ Red Clay River
4/8/2010 Brooklyn, NY @ Knitting Factory w/ Red Clay River, Jonny Corndawg
4/9/2010 Asbury, NJ @ Asbury Lanes w/ Red Clay River
4/10/2010 Richmond, VA @ The Camel w/ Red Clay River
4/22/2010 The Zoo, Brisbane w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols
4/23/2010 Sydney, Australia @ Annandale Hotel w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols
4/25/2010 Newcastle, Australia @ Cambridge Hotel w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols
4/28/2010 Perth, Australia @ Rosemount w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols
4/29/2010 Adelaide, Australia @ Enigma w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols
4/30/2010 Melbourne, Australia @ Corner w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols
5/1/2010 Hobart, Australia @ Brisbane Hotel w/ Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner, and Ben Nichols

Interview: Ray From Teenage Bottlerocket

There is nothing like a good ol’ fun punk rock song that keeps me going. Sometimes I like a simple, to the point, quick song that’s perfect for singing along to.  I don’t need anything fancy or over produced all the time to keep me entertained and in fact it’s those short humorous tracks I find myself returning to over and over.

Teenage Bottlerocket (TBR) is one of those bands out there that keeps the fun and the punk flowing at a great level. Hailing from all the way up in Wyoming the foursome has started to make their name in the punk community with their Ramones infused power punk jams.  Recently signing to Fat Wreck Chords the band dropped their fourth release on the independent punk label.  I had a chance to talk with Ray one of the guitarist / vocalists of the band just before they headed out on tour in support of the release.

Shall we begin???

BHP – Thanks for taking a moment to chat. How are you doing today?

Ray – Doing ok, I drank to much last night and had to work for 12 hours today. Life rules though.

Ha ha, before I even continue can you just take a moment and introduce yourself to everyone?

I’m Ray and I sing and play guitar in TBR.

Does the band name Teenage Bottlerocket have anything to do with a certain Wes Anderson movie?

No it doesn’t, but after we came up with the name we watched the movie and really enjoyed it.  Fantastic Mr. Fox was cool too.

You boys are from the mean streets of Wisconsin right?

We are not from Wisconsin but don’t feel bad, we get that all the time. We are from Wyoming.

Oops, I knew that. So anyways how was it growing up in Wyoming?

It’s really cold there, the weather and the people.

How was the punk scene in Laramie, the city you grew up in? Is it any different from cities you have toured in?

It’s a lot different. We have a bit of a home town following but the venue situation is a little weird. We use our practice PA for the shows and it just doesn’t really pack the punch that a regular PA would at a venue in a big city. The kids go off though, and we always have fun playing in Laramie.

What else did you do for fun growing up other than music?

Brandon, TBR drummer and my twin brother, and I have older brothers that got us into skateboarding at a young age. We grew up skating and always looked up to Matt Hensley and other skaters on the H Street Team.

I kind of figured you skated back in the day after hearing a couple of your songs.  So who is the skateboarder in the “Skate or Die” video and where was that shot at?

The skater’s name is Otto Phlanz. He is from Denver, Colorado and skates for Conspiracy. The video was shot at the Laramie skate park.

Rumor has it that not only does the band consist of you and your twin brother but also 2 engineers. Is this true?

This is true. The 2 engineers are Brandon and I. We are in Bakersfield, California right now doing work on an oil well. Technically we are chemical engineers, because of the work we perform, but I graduated with my business degree and Brandon graduated with his Geology degree. We both went to the University of Wyoming. Miguel, our bass player, just graduated from UW with his business degree.

Dumb question, but what do you prefer more, working the oil wells or rocking out the clubs?

Playing music is my real passion. If we were all able to do nothing but play in the band, that would rule. Punk rock saved my life, but my job pays my bills.

I could not agree more. So how hard is it to split up the two career paths?

It’s difficult, but we’ve managed to do alright so far.

Teenage Bottlerocket material clearly shows love for classic punkers like The Ramones, Screeching Weasel, and even the Queers. Who are some of your other influences?

We listen to a lot of crust stuff. We really like Conflict as of lately. I wouldn’t say they are one of our influences but we’ve been listening to them a lot. We really like Cobra Skulls and Randy.

When I think of fun and punk rock in the same sentence I think of Teenage Bottlerocket. You guys are an energetic punk rock act with quick and to the point songs. Was this how Teenage Bottlerocket always was from the get go?

Well shucks dude, that’s cool. We just write tunes that we like and it seems to work.

Do people even use “get go” in sentences anymore?

Yes, they do.

How does it feel to be a part of the Fat Wreck Chords family?

It feels great. It’s exciting. We were always happy on Red Scare and it stokes us that Toby has been so cool with our decision to move to another label.

Who is your favorite band so far that you toured with?

Cobra Skulls.

Is there a certain band you wish you could tour with?


Wait, aren’t you going to tour with NOFX soon? How stoked are you?

We are really excited. We’ve been working on the set list and rehearsing as much as possible. We cant wait to play the Aggie in Ft. Collins. The whole tour is going to be a lot of fun.

“Bigger Than Kiss” was one of my favorite tracks off the new album as well as has a hilarious video for it. Any song that praises Slayer over Kiss is ok with me. Where did the song come from? Would you really “beat the piss out of Peter Criss”?

Kody has a friend named Charlie in Newcastle that said to him, “you know, Gene Simmons is pretty cool, but Paul Stanley is a total d-bag”. I’m not sure if that is exactly what went down, but it was something along those lines. Kody cracked up and got inspired to write the tune. It is my favorite lyrics Kody has ever written. I don’t think I would beat the piss out of Peter Criss, I heard he was in a wheelchair.

What seems to be the favorite foods throughout the band?

I like sushi, Brandon likes this pizza place in Ft. Collins called La Collina, Kody likes everything but seafood, and Miguel likes anything that is hotter than hell.

Best city you have played so far?

That’s a tough one. There’s a bunch: Chicago, Toronto, St. Louis, Orlando, San Diego, and Sheridan Wyoming.

How about the worst?

I’d have to say Las Cruces, New Mexico.


Probably because it was a Tuesday night and no one in the city of Las Cruces, with the exception of 20 people, knows who we are.

One of my best friend’s kid’s who is 6 adores you guys and listens to you every night before he goes to sleep. Care to say anything to him or give him some advice?

Tell him to play soccer.

I hope Brennan takes Ray’s advice…

Here are some TBR videos for you to all enjoy!

Teenage Bottlerocket will be touring soon. Don’t be a fool – check them out when they hit your town…
03/20/10 Austin, TX – SXSW Music Festival
04/21/10 Eugene, OR – McDonald Theatre
04/22/10 Spokane, WA – Knitting Factory
04/23/10 Billings, MT – Shrine Auditorium
04/25/10 Saskatoon, SK Canada – Odeon Events Center
04/26/10 Winnipeg, MB Canada – Burton Cummings Theater
04/27/10 Fargo, ND – The Venue
04/28/10 Minneapolis, MN – Triple Rock Social Club
04/29/10 Milwaukee, WI – The Riverside Theater
04/30/10 Covington, KY – Madison Theater
05/01/10 Sauget, IL – Pop’s
05/02/10 Kansas City, MO – The Beaumont
05/04/10 Fort Collins, CO – The Aggie
05/05/10 Albuquerque, NM – The Sunshine Theater
05/06/10 Tucson, AZ – Rialto Theatre
05/07/10 Las Vegas, NV – Sunset Station Amphitheatre

Alkaline Trio To Drop This Addiction On Feb.23rd

Hey Alkaline Trio (AK3) fans!  In just one week This Addiction will drop on store shelves for you all to love and cherish.  This will be the bands first release on their very own independent label properly called Heart & Skull with a little help from Epitaph Records.

This will be the band’s seventh studio release and will be available in a regular format as well as a limited deluxe CD/DVD edition and even will drop on LP.  AK3 is currently on tour in support of the release and will be hitting House Of Blues Cleveland on March 4th with very special guests Cursive.

Look for a review by yours truly in the next couple days or so.  I can tell you it is pretty awesome.  Until then check out the band’s title track music video that just was released on the internet (and is very Braveheart inspired):