Category Archives: Punk

The Menzingers – Chamberlain Waits – CD Review

Working class punk rock has never sounded so good thanks to Scranton, PA’s The Menzingers who recently dropped their sophomore release Chamberlain Waits on Red Scare Records.  The foursome are making a name for themselves by escaping from the clutches of The Electric City and sharing their dirty punk rock style with the world.  Named one of of AP Magazine’s 2010 bands to watch, all it takes is one listen to understand how exceptional this young act is.

At first listen it was apparent Chamberlain Waits was a winner to my ears.  The different genres, ranging from a DIY punk feel to hearty rock and roll, made for a unique style so commonly attempted but rarely fine tuned.  Think the likes of The Clash, Against Me!, and even a little Bruce Springsteen added to blatant determination from group of four who were once told they were going no where with their lives.  The result is a start to finish straightforward album that absolutely rocks.

All is took was the opening track, “Who’s Your Partner”, for myself to become an instant fan of this band.  I enjoyed the more rock feel throughout the song as well as lead vocalist’s Tom May’s singing styles.  “I Was Born” continued with the band bordering tastefully on the lines of a punk song and rock song with equal screams and harmony.  “Deep Sleep” easily could have been created by a certain Gainsville, FL act with amazing sing along qualities and likable guitar playing but it was not and regardless of the similarities to other bands the song was one of my favorites to listen to on the album.

The fist pumping “Tasker-Morris Station” showed a heavier more intense side of the band.  The track was really put together well without being overproduced.  “So It Goes” was another great track on the album with insane amounts of sing along opportunities.  As great as all previous songs, “Rivalries” hands down was the winning cut on the album for me.  I loved the opening of the track that soon morphed into a toe tapping rock track with ever so real lyrics regarding failure and accord.  “Come Here Often?” followed and all I could think to myself was how each song seemingly got better and better.  Closing album title track “Chamberlain Waits” started off mildly folky but erupted into an energetic group singing jam that closed out the album perfectly.

I can honestly say that this band has the potential to be the next big thing – Chamberlain Waits is an album I can easily listen to over and over without growing tiresome of.  Fans of Against Me! and The Gaslight Anthem, I would like to introduce you to your newest obsession…The Menzingers.

The Menzingers are actually the the middle of a giant tour right now with heavy hitters NOFX, Tony Sly, and Teenage Bottlerocket as well as will be playing a couple shows with Against Me! and Cheap Girls.  Do yourself a favor and get out to one of their shows if you can and if not I highly suggest you at least check them out and see what they are all about.  I don’t usually get this excited for bands these days but The Menzingers pretty much have taken two genres of music I adore and slammed them into something amazing.

Tour Dates:
Apr 29 2010 – The Riverside Theater W/ NOFX, Teenage Bottlerocket, and Tony Sly -Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Apr 30 2010 – The Madison Theater W/ NOFX, Teenage Bottlerocket, Tony Sly – Covington, Kentucky
May 1 2010 – Pops Nightclub W/ NOFX, Teenage Bottlerocket, Tony Sly – Sauget, Illinois
May 2 2010 – The Beaumont Club W/ NOFX, Teenage Bottlerocket, Tony Sly – Kansas City, Missouri
May 3 2010 – Firehouse Pizza & Pub – Normal, Illinois
May 4 2010 – Rock Island Brewing Company W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Rock Island, Illinois
May 5 2010 – Slowdown W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Omaha, Nebraska
May 6 2010 – The Black Sheep W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Colorado Springs, Colorado
May 7 2010 – Launchpad W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Albuquerque, New Mexico
May 10 2010 – Jakes W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Lubbock, Texas
May 11 2010 – Scoutbar W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – San Antonio, Texas
May 12 2010 – One Eyed Jack’s W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – New Orleans, Louisiana
May 13 2010 – Alabama Music Box W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Mobile, Alabama
May 14 2010 – Sector 7G W/ Against Me! and Dead To Me – Augusta, Georgia
May 15 2010 – Visulite Theatre W/ Against Me! – Charlotte, North Carolina
May 17 2010 – The Hangar W/ Nothington, Spanish Gamble – Greenville, South Carolina
May 18 2010 – The Tipsy W/ The Holy Mess – Greenville, North Carolina
May 20 2010 – 538 Johnson W/ The Holy Mess, Timeshares, 10-4 Eleanor – Brooklyn, New York
May 21 2010 – The Democracy Center W/ The Holy Mess, Choke Up – Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 22 2010 – Cafe Metropolis CD RELEASE SHOW! W/ The Holy Mess – Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania
May 23 2010 – The Fire CD RELEASE SHOW! W/ The Holy Mess – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 27 2010 – Most Wanted Fine Art – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
May 28 2010 – Mickey Finns Pub (All Ages) – Toledo, Ohio
May 29 2010 – Windy City Sound Clash II @ The Subterranean – Chicago, Illinois
May 30 2010 – The Speakeasy (314 S Hamilton St) W/ Cheap Girls – Madison, Wisconsin
May 31 2010 – Triple Rock W/ Cheap Girls – Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jun 2 2010 – Marquis Theatre W/ Cheap Girls – Denver, Colorado
Jun 3 2010 – TBA W/ Cheap Girls – Salt Lake City, Utah
Jun 4 2010 – Red Room W/ Cheap Girls – Boise, Idaho
Jun 5 2010 – The Know W/ Cheap Girls – Portland, Oregon
Jun 6 2010 – Studio Seven W/ Cheap Girls – Seattle, Washington
Jun 7 2010 – TBA W/ Cheap Girls – Redding, California
Jun 8 2010 – Thee Parkside W/ Cheap Girls – San Francisco, California
Jun 9 2010 – The CYC W/ Cheap Girls – Fresno, California
Jun 10 2010 – The Warehouse W/ Cheap Girls – Pomona, California
Jun 11 2010 – Radio Room W/ Cheap Girls – San Diego, California
Jun 12 2010 – Rogue Bar W/ Cheap Girls – Scottsdale, Arizona
Jun 13 2010 – The Underground W/ Soul Control – Mesa, Arizona
Jun 14 2010 – Echo Chamber W/ Soul Control – Portales, New Mexico
Jun 15 2010 – The Maquiladora W/ Soul Control – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Jun 16 2010 – The Ten Eleven W/ Soul Control – San Antonio, Texas
Jun 17 2010 – The Mink W/ Soul Control – Houston, Texas
Jun 18 2010 – The Rabbit Hole W/ Soul Control – Panama City, Florida
Jun 20 2010 – Backbooth W/ Soul Control – Orlando, Florida
Jun 21 2010 – The House Of Hardcore W/ Soul Control – Columbia, South Carolina
Jun 22 2010 – The Camel W/ Soul Control – Richmond, Virginia
Jun 23 2010 – Ava House W/ Soul Control – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jun 25 2010 – Insubordination Fest – Baltimore, Maryland
Jun 26 2010 – Insubordination Fest – Baltimore, Maryland

Leatherface – The Stormy Petrel – CD Review

Unknown to some but adored by many, Leatherface is back with their ninth release this time around on No Idea Records.  The UK punk rock band holds the title for being not only an influence on many current bands of today, but also in shaping DIY punk rock.  Formed in the late 80’s, Leatherface continues to rock on The Stormy Petrel.   This is the bands first release in over six years.

Having been a fan of Leatherface for years now I really was curious to see if they band still could contain their sound still and I will say that they have not lost their punk / folky  / post-hardcore edge.

The best way for me to describe The Stormy Petrel is to imagine what Gaslight Anthem might sound like if a tired Lemmy from Motorhead fronted the band.  Of course I am not saying it sounded exactly like that, but with gruff vocals on top of catchy melodic guitars I could not help but find the similarity.  The combination of the soft spoken singing of Frankie Stubbs, the last of two original members (Dickie Hammond being the other) I might add, and appealing rock jams just kept inviting me to listen to the album over and over.

I also liked the symbolism encased in the album’s title as it is in reference to a bird called a storm-petrel who sadly is threatened by human activity.  If you want more information about what storm-petrels are all about you should click HERE.  Don’t ask me how I knew this, let’s just say I love the Discovery Channel.

Looking deeper into the meaning I also discovered The Stormy Petrel refers to Joseph Hodgson, a man named a hero over a dozen times yet to this day has no tribute for all he accomplished.  Check out HERE and HERE for more interesting information about this man who was passed up in the history books.

“God Is Dead” started off the CD and I found myself immediately digging what I heard.  The lyrics were a little bizarre speaking of burying someone of a higher power in a shed but it was enjoyable to listen to as was the refrain that begged to be sung along with.  “My World’s End” just maintained my interested with a little more punk rock edge to it.  The music was not too overbearing and just fit perfect with Stubbs’ vocal strain.

The song “Broken” really proved upon my earlier music comparison as the music mirrored something Gaslight might play.  Perhaps one of my favorite tracks on the album, I could not help singing along with the uncanny track.  The following track picked things up a bit with “Another Dance” proving this album was emotionally all over the place.  Other tracks worth mentioning were “Diego Garcia”, “Monkfish” and album closer “Hope”.

With more of a melancholy feel throughout, the album was still a good listen from start to finish.  At times the lyrics seemed to repeat too much on tracks but it was not enough to turn me away.  It’s nice to see that this band is still putting out worthy material to listen to and what’s even better is that the band is currently touring in support of the release.  To hear that a 22 year old band is still hitting the clubs and playing out just proves that you are never too old to do what you love.

Look for Leatherface to play May 9th at Now That’s Class in Lakewood with very special guests Ninja Gun, Dead To Me, and Cleveland’s F*cking Cops plus others.  Doors are at 9pm and I am sure there will be a healthy crowd there that night so make sure you get there before it sells out!

UPDATE: Sadly Leatherface had to cancel their Cleveland stop due to an uncontrollable situation including border control. Should I find any more information out I will be sure to post.

Foxy Shazam – Out Today

I woke up this morning unlike any other morning I have had in quite some time.  Today was the day that Foxy Shazam‘s self-titled album finally dropped.  The moment I woke up my iPhone was in my hands and I purchased the deluxe album version off of iTunes.

Words that I will use to describe this new album: Punk, Fierce, Soulful, Wreckless, Unforgettable

These guys have the potential to go in a history of sorts where the rock bands of the 70’s rest with high honors.  Cincinnati’s Foxy Shazam could very well go down in a shameful self-destructing crash of defeat and still be one of the best acts of their time – yea, I know bold statement from me.  They just have that quality of awesomeness I have not seen or heard in years.  Think Iggy Pop/Freddie Mercury energy mixed with arena rock qualities and soul like no other.  Foxy Shazam will be heard.

Can’t say that everyone is going to dig this album but if you want something different – you know what to do.

Here’s an older video…

Henry Rollins – The Kent Stage – Kent, OH – 04/01/2010

Tonight was one of those nights I have been looking forward for quite some time now and now I find it coming to an end but have vivid memories of it still fresh in my mind.

A few months back Matt asked me if I wanted to join him and Mr. D.X. Ferris to see Henry Rollins perform a spoken word at The Kent Stage in, you guessed it, Kent, OH.  My response was of course a “HELL YES” and as time flew by I found myself meeting up with the vinyl addict and Ferris at the lovely Taco Tantos for a bite to eat before the show on the first warm evening of the year.

Before I start talking about the show I need to touch base with Taco Tantos.  The place is amazing if you fancy a burrito, taco, or any other traditional Mexican finger food.  Having been there a handful of times I have never had a bad thing to say about it, that is, until I wat there with Matt.

I don’t know if it is luck or fate but is seems like things go bad when Matt and I hang out.  I could bring up stories from the past but I would rather focus on the present.  I ordered my food followed by Matt and then Ferris.  I told the eye catching order taker that I wanted to eat on the patio and I thought all was fine.  Well 45 minutes later Matt and I are still waiting for our food, Ferris has a plate of tacos, and I am getting pissed.

I ask a kid if my order is ready multiple times and he just seemed to be getting annoyed with me.  Being calm and not trying to lose it I notice 2 plates of food next to the cash register that have been sitting there for a while and manage to get the freshman stoner’s attention once more and point out that those two plates look like the food we ordered.  The kid looked at me like I was crazy and said that since they were for the patio I had to ring a doorbell to let them know I was out there.

A doorbell?  Are you serious?  I was not told about said magical doorbell let alone how to get into the patio area nor did Matt.  We both waited by the pick up area in hopes they would call out our name and hand us our delicious, and damn were they delicious, burritos.  Instead we were ignored until I was about to erupt in obscenities.

Is there a moral to this little rant?  Yes, don’t order food to be eaten in the patio unless you are fully aware of the doorbell.

Now that I got that off my chest i might as well go into the point of this blog entry – Mr. Henry Rollins.

I was introduced to Rollins when I was a teenage music lover and have grown up with him since.  From Black Flag to Rollins Band I have always appreciated him as a musician but it was not until I started getting in to his books of poetry as well as listening to his spoken words did I realize how intelligent and inspiring this guy was.  I started to identify with him and used his smart words of encouragement and reality and put them in front of me daily.

The guy seriously saved my life.  Rollins had a huge impact of me growing up and as much as some people may not want to believe this, he helped shape me into who I have become as a person.  There was something about the way his words came out that attacked me and woke me up.  I learned that I was not the only one like me out there who took hell from the naive and dumbfounded.  I learned to chose my words wisely and be happy with who I am.  He was a punk rock psychologist for me through words and music, he was an idol and still is to this day.

When Rollins took the stage today I knew I was going to be in for something good.  I started thinking about all the times I saw him live when he was in the Rollins band as well as the only other time I saw him perform a spoken word in Kent.  Before he even spoke I was immediately in a good mood because I knew for the next three hours or so this guy was going to talk and I was going to listen to every single word he had to say to me.

Rollins, who is 49 years old, still looks tough as hell.  He came onto the stage in a black tee and black pants.  He looked a little thinner since I last saw him and over all had the same full forced charisma I have grown fond of.  The punk rock musician / actor / writer took the mic, put it up to his mouth, and began to speak.

For three hours Rollins took everyone in the Kent Stage on a tour of words with out taking one break.  He spoke about current events, the government, growing up, traveling, and just being himself.  The great thing about his storytelling abilities is that he would take a story, sidetrack for a moment, and then jump back to the original story with out causing confusion at all only to flow into a new story about something not related to the previous.  All stories were true stories from the internet loving punk rock hero.

Rollins had such a love for the Constitution and proved his intelligence on that stage tonight.  Admitting that he reads the document daily he shared his excitement for it and history for that matter to everyone.  I admit I was getting excited as well as he talked about the freedom of speech and why he loves America so much.  He dished our articles from that document like a professor would in a college history class with ease, it was impressive.

Adding his humor into some of the stories it was still clear that he had a point with his stories.  He would talk about the lesbian high school student who was denied the prom in Mississippi and then formulate a better generalization for a better outcome.  From there he went into organized religion and their intolerance for same sex relations only to find it as an escape and opportunity for those who were shunned from their beliefs for being who they are.

Once he was done with one subject he would move to the next and just keep the flow going.  I am not sure if everyone in the house agreed with him 100% on everything he had to say but I know I did.  Once again I found myself sitting there relating with this punk rocker who I wanted to grow up and be when I was a kid.  I sat there with a stern smile on my face and found myself laughing at some of his jokes more than others.  I was not trying to be a super fan, like the girl next to me was, I was just enjoying his company.

For a few moments Rollins touched on the most recent election, where he was, and what he did.  I was jealous to find out that him and Ian MacKaye went to see Bad Brains at an afternoon show before the polls had closed.  The stories he told during that segment were humorous but also personal.  He talked about how MacKaye and him first discovered Bad Brains while seeing The Damned at a D.C. show and how they all became friends (he also bragged to the crowd he was at the first Minor Threat concert and saw Led Zeppelin).  Rollins shifted back to the show him and MacKaye went to and talked about the lead singer of Bad Brains who pretty much has lost his mind in the mid-eighties.

It was funny to hear what Rollins saw that during that show but also kind of sad.  Rollins admitted that he and MacKaye were floored when they were young and saw Bad Brains for the first time.  He admitted that HR’s actions were not welcomed by some of the crowd at the election day show and they seemed discouraged and not wowed like he and MacKaye were.

From helping Rupaul as a judge to acting on Sons Of Anarchy he just kept dishing out great stories about his life.  I found myself most interested in when he talked about the time he was invited to a college to give a commencement speech at Sonoma College.  Where he did not recite the speech word for word (you can read the speech in it’s entirety here), he did unload a good chunk of it and my God it was…inspiring and just wholesome.

I could see the honestly in Rollins’ eyes throughout the night as continued to speak to everyone.  Rollins was a great storyteller throughout and not once did he reach for a sip of water or lose his place.  Seriously, three hours of non-stop talking, and not the kind where you want to excuse yourself from the room.  This was energetic, fun to listen to material.  He was full of information that he just wanted to release though the entire crowd and that he did.  Before I, and everyone else, knew it he was closing the night telling everyone he was going to return everyone’s asses to them and exited the stage.

I left The Kent Stage satisfied and full of knowledge and I know I was not the only one.  Perhaps some people attended tonight because they know the name Henry Rollins and heard his spoken words are entertaining but I went there knowing about him.  I wanted some inspiration from a tough SOB that pretty much was there for me when I thought no one else was.  He may not know it and may never will but as he left the stage I clapped my hands heavily and gave a thank you to him for all that he has done for me over the last 15 years.

The Gaslight Anthem Stream New Song

NJ’s very own Gaslight Anthem is currently streaming the title track off their upcoming album entitled American Slang.

Click here to hear “American Slang”

The band will be releasing their 3rd full length release June 15th on Side One Dummy Records.  Expect a tour to follow in support of this highly anticipated release.

Track Listing:

1. American Slang
2. Stay Lucky
3. Bring It On
4. The Diamond Church Street Choir
5. The Queen of Lower Chelsea
6. Orphans
7. Boxer
8. Old Haunts
9. The Spirit Of Jazz
10. We Did It When We Were Young

Check out the Gaslight Anthem on MySpace or Facebook.