Category Archives: Punk

Album Review: Those Darlins – Screws Get Loose

Fueled with a new found (and very welcomed) sex appeal while looking ever so refreshed, Those Darlins are back with their all new sophomore album entitled Screws Get Loose.  Nikki, Jesse, Kelley, and  Linwood continue their quest to have constant fun, drink the stiff drinks, and tour the country all while leaving a lasting impression on all who join in their nightly rock n roll shambles.

Even amidst non-stop touring, minus a brief timeout due to pair of broken bones in Nikki Darlin’s forearm after she lost a battle with Ohio terrane, the band was quick to record a follow up to their 2009 debut.

Screws Get Loose, in reference to the screws used to hold Nikki’s bones in place last summer, was released once again on Oh Wow Dang Records.

Known for being a more of a country / punk / garage rock sounding act, the foursome have switched things up a tad and added a nice indie rock style to their sound in their mix.  One of the coolest aspects of this change is hearing Linwood, the band’s lone male drummer, lend his pipes on the album as well as help write some of the tracks.  The girls still trade off with vocals throughout the album keeping it catchy and all so fun.

The title track “Screws Get Loose” open up things with a song carrying a couple of references to why screws were needed in the first place.  The new sound coming from the quartet was good and quite the shock to hear.  It was almost as if Those Darlins left their country sounds on the porch in Murfreesboro and headed off to the big city for a entirely new prospect.

“Be Your Bro” hands down is my favorite track on the album. Having heard it months earlier at a live show of theirs last Fall, I fell in love with the Darlins a little harder because of this track.  Singing of how the girls just “wanna run and play in the dirt” while said guys “just wanna stick it in” just proved how real the girls are and how not afraid they are to tell it how it is.  Singing “I may have girly parts but I have a boy’s heart” hopefully will throw a hint at any Darlin chasing fellow, or will it?

“Let U Down” premiered Linwood’s vocals, an improvement in the direction of the band if you ask me.  Not that there was anything wrong with the girls taking vocal duties throughout the songs, but Linwood has himself a very fitting voice that goes perfectly with the music that they all create.  This is a track that needed to be heard.

“Mystic Mind” was a trippy track that didn’t necessarily fit the rest of the album but was hard not to listen to.  “$” was a step back for a moment into what I previously was used to coming from the Darlins and their group vocals.

“Starving for something and it ain’t your touch” start off the hilarious “Fatty Needs A Fix”.  The track easily is a continuation to “The Whole Damn Thing” off their debut album, as a drunken end to a night out required some immediate stomach pampering and nothing more than that.

“Waste Away” put a halt to the party with a direct message to a certain someone to knock off the hardcore partying.  This track reached back to material from their previous album.  “BUMD” closed the album with what sounded like to me something pulled from the 60’s.  The song differed from the others with more proof of how much talent these four musicians possess.

It was almost a shock to hardly hear any country driven tracks on this album, but it’s just proof that Those Darlins are maturing into an even more of an amazing act.  Shorter than I would have liked, Screws Get Loose is a great album from start to finish with plenty of tracks to help you shake your baby-maker throughout thanks to all of the members coming together and doing what they like to do best.  If you were not a fan of their first release, you might just want to pop this one in and see if it catches your fancy.

Why I Love Dead Broke Rekerds…

Weeks ago I placed a healthy order of multiple vinyl goodness from Dead Broke Rekerds.  I received one order quite fast and the other was delayed and I was aware why – the company was waiting on record sleeves for the limted edition Explosivo! glow-in-the-dark LP I snagged

Today while earning my keep at the paying gig I realized that I still had not received my original order that included a copy of Explosivo! LP. 

I decided to hit up the website and try and find out what was going on as it has been a couple of weeks since I handed over my money for the goods. 

The moment I got onto the Dead Broke Rekerds website I see a post:

YOUR ORDERS ARE SHIPPING!!!Sorry for the delays but Paypal multi-order shipping was being an asshole, but rest assured all Explosivo Kickstarter orders, Pre-orders and every other order is shipping tomorrow and all through this week. Thanks you for your patience.

I did not need to send 1000 emails to find out what the heck was going on…yet.  I just thought it was cool the moment I hit up the site I found exactly what I was looking for.

I am sure the LPs will be at my doorstep in no time and I know I will continue to hand over my cash to this awesome online punk rock music store.

Nice job guys.  Keep up the good work.

Frank Turner Premieres New Song

Mark your calendars folks.  Frank Turner is releasing his highly anticipated fourth album on June 7th entitled England Keep My Bones.

Would you like to hear a new song from the upcoming release?

Head over to today to check out “I Am Disappear”.  It is an awesome song. 

Turner also released the track listing (read below) and album cover today:

I can not even tell you how excited I am to hear this release.  Turner has impressed me over the years with his folk/punk/rock sounds.  June can not come soon enough.


Rising singer-songwriter Frank Turner will be releasing his much anticipated fourth album entitled England Keep My Bones this coming June 7thvia Epitaph Records/Xtra Mile Recordings. 

The new album was produced by Tristan Ivemy and recorded within the stunning confines of Church Studios at Crouch End. The end result is a more thematically introspective affair for Turner, with lyrics addressing topics of mortality, relationships and religion in what proves to be a both brave and emotionally powerful record.
Turner will be showcasing songs from England Keep My Bones this coming April when he takes to the road for a special solo tour, playing intimate venues on both coasts of North America. It will be an ideal opportunity to catch this ascending star up close and personal before he spends the summer inspiring massive festival crowds throughout the world.
England Keep My BonesTrack Listing:
Eulogy – 1:34
Peggy Sang The Blues – 3:33
I Still Believe – 3:45
Rivers – 4:34
I Am Disappeared – 4:47
English Curse – 2:17
One Foot Before The Other – 3:26
If Ever I Stray – 2:54
WessexBoy – 3:34
Nights Become Days – 4:26
Redemption – 4:48
Glory Hallelujah – 4:3
North American Tour Dates:
2011-04-28  Knitting Factory  New York    NY    – Sold Out
2011-04-29  Red Palace  Washington  DC    – Sold Out
2011-04-30  The Bamboozle     East Rutherford   NJ   
2011-05-02  Beat Kitchen      Chicago     IL    – Sold Out
2011-05-04  Bottom of the Hill      Oakland     CA   
2011-05-05  Hotel Cafe  Los Angeles CA    – Sold Out

The Lone Star In Me


Well, the streets are empty and SXSW is officially done for the year. All I can say about this famous Austin music festival is this: insanity at its finest.

Nothing went to plan for me. I didn’t get to see all the bands I wanted to see, but instead chose to take in bands I had never heard of. The choice worked out to my benefit as I got to see some really kick ass bands.

Friday night’s Screeching Weasel meltdown was the one thing I wish I could have seen. It was the talk of the town. I am going to be posting some more about that later as I have a few eye witnesses who are going to share their stories. It was just too messed to to not talk about.

Saturday was fun as I headed downtown after a gluten free breakfast. (I am seriously going to look into a gluten free diet of sorts) I caught some killer bands including a metal/classical/instrumental act from San Francisco that blew me away.

Bands and beers. It was a good time for sure.

The Lone Star beer was pretty damn delicious too. Way better than my beloved PBR. I opted to chill out as Friday I may or may not have drank myself stupid.

Saturday night though was pretty insane as well and I am sure that gigantic moon in the sky had something to do with it.

I was at the Eastside Drive-In to see The Dead Milkmen at the Mess With Texas party. It was packed as hell and thanks to some fine maneuvering, my friend and I were able to get up to a good spot to see them do their thing. It was awesome and I am happy to say I can finally scratch them off my list of bands I want to see before I die.

Immediately after their set we tried to head out but everyone started bum rushing the grounds. Kids were climbing over fences and porta-potties and there was an instant sea of people. We just wanted to get the hell out.

After pushing through easily a thousand people we finally got to the exit where there was a situation going on and security, who could not control the thousand of other people getting in, would not let us out. Words were exchanged, patience was lost, and we finally said screw it and rushed through them and got out of that cluster eff.

The night was far from over though. I think it was only 9pm by the time we peaced out of that mess and hoofed it to the Scoot Inn (the same venue that Ben Weasel had his incident at the night before).

I ran in to two friends who I had not seen in forever and chilled with them on a log, yes, a log. The place was like a campground atmosphere with picnic tables and a decent sized stage and standing area. It was fenced in and really to me looked mobile.

So the night seemed to be going well and Eyehategod finally took the stage. The were tearing things up when suddenly the moon came out and provided for another mess to the night.

Apparently my friend’s boyfriend was front and center and having a good ol’ time. Not sure what all transpired but the lead singer told the crowd to kick my friend’s boyfriend’s ass. Nothing really happened immediately but the guitar player said he was going to kid the guy in the head and it was just an ugly vibe. Soon some douche tried picking a fight and that was enough, my friend grabbed him and got him out of the area.

Apparently no one can just have a good time.

That was enough. We went home and skipped Pentagram. I really wanted to see them too. Oh well.

Yesterday was chill for me. I saw a few cool bands at Lovejoys and then headed to a place I have been wanting to go to for years now…


Dale Watson was awesome. The place was packed and was just so much fun to be a part of. I wish I would have stayed longer but I was exhausted and starving. At least I can say I finally made it to Ginny’s. I’ll scratch that off my list too.

I missed out on a few acts I really wanted to see thanks to the flight screw-up. I missed Wagons who I really wanted to see as they came all the way from Australia. I’m also a huge fan of them and would loved to have seen them again. Oh well, next time.

Austin is an amazing city and I adore it. The people I have met this round were kick ass folk who welcomed me into their great city. I met at least seven people who used to live in Ohio (I may be one of those people one day…). The Lone Star beer was pretty damn delicious too.

SXSW was a bonus if you ask me.

My adventure in Austin us coming to a close, but I will be back soon. I love it here too much.


SXSW – Night One (no pictures edition)

Just a quick update to all who woke up this morning wondering how my first night went in Austin.

I finally got here at about 7 o’clock. Sadly, I missed all of the bands I wanted to see in the afternoon, but I made it and am loving it.

I was able to take in Dead To Me at the Scoot Inn for a bit. I wanted to stick around for Screeching Weasel but wanted to also see Ringworm play. The choice was made and I took off missing the punk rock drama of probably the entire week.

In case you did not hear, Ben Weasel flipped his shit last night. My pal Sam, who is a Twitter addict and follows @benweasel gave me the heads up on what I missed out on.

Apparently Ben did not want to be a part of SXSW and was having his moment letting the crowd know this when someone tossed a beer on him. Of course he did not take it kindly and when he found out it was a girl he offered $20 bucks for someone to beat her up. Moments later another girl tossed an ice cube on him and he jumped in the crowd Sebastian Bach style.

I’ll post a video later on but all I have to say about this is… What an embarrassment.

More updates as they come to me.