Category Archives: Punk

Album Review: Mixtapes – Even On The Worst Nights

I remember a while back when I went to the It’s A Kling Thing house to check out a band from Cincinnati called Mixtapes.  Yeah yeah, call me that guy, but it is only fair.  You see, a bunch of my friends who were well aware of what Mixtapes were about early on told me told me I needed to see them live and I am glad I listened to their advice.

The pop-punk foursome impressed me immediately with their ever so likable songs that clearly were written on the pure basis of fun and personal events.  I remember everyone crammed in that tiny basement singing along and rocking out to some of the catchiest songs I had heard in a long time.  I told myself back then that they were going to be going places soon and meant it 100%.

Mixtapes have always had songs that were written to be witty and as close to their hearts as possible making for a very personal listen.  To top that, they are super best pals with bands like Direct Hit!, Wonder Years, House Boat, and countless others.  They are friendly folk too and never seem to have mosh shorts to sell when I visit them at their merch booths.  Quick to crack a joke and incite a smile, this band is always fun to listen to and hang around.

Fast forward to present day and here I sit typing out a review of their new release on No Sleep Records and I have to admit, I excited to be able to talk about it.  Even On The Worst Nights is not their first release, but has shaped up to be their most important release to date.  The band, who started writing tunes in 2010, has released a bunch of songs that can be found on various 7″s as well as for free download on the Internet. (Don’t believe me?  CLICK HERE.)

Starting off Even On The Worst Nights was “Seven Mile”, a 54 second song that pretty much defined what the band surrounds themselves with: lack of friends, long days, small town life, and not a care in life.  “Something Better” followed kicking things into gear with a pop-punk anthem of sorts.  This song without a doubt will be a sing-a-long.  I loved the lyrics “we sat outside talking about movies and music we hate cause there’s not much left to life.”  Seriously, it is almost as if this band gets me.

The album title track really sounded like it was aimed at all the punkers out there that have been there and done that.   Upon listening to it more though, it is clear the song recalls many of the issues the band has gone through getting to where they are today.

“You & I” was a slow starting ode to a special friendship that ended with a bang in less than a minute.  “I’m Wearing The Device (Bridge, Water)” carried the typical personable Mixtapes lyrics I was hoping to hear with the band questioning themselves if they are good enough to continue.

My favorite track on the album easily was “Russian House DJ”.  Perhaps it was because of Maura and Ryan’s back-and-forth-vocals throughout or maybe just because it reminded me of all the pop-punk I listened to over 10 years ago.  Call it poppy or maybe even emo, all I know is that it was good and I enjoyed the hell out of it.

“Anyways”, featuring Grath Madden of House Boat, threw in jabs to nameless opponents (aka bands) for the sake of hilarity.  The group vocals helped make for a good listen as well as lyrics that threw out Mixtapes’s definition of life.  “I represent my city but not my scene” was sung with complete honesty proving that this band is all about the music and nothing more than that.

The drum-pounding intro to “One For The Ozarks” was perfect for the high energy track that was almost like a confession from the band admitting to change.  Change or not, the song was likable with high and low points as well as a clever ending.  “Just When You Thought It Was Over” was a punk rock jam that grabbed my attention in a good way.  This song really showcased how much the band has matured as musicians in the past 2 years.

The duet “Golden Sometimes” had Ryan and Maura singing together with help from acoustic guitars and piano.  It was a track that really brought back bad memories of relationships of my past that never went to plan.  Once again, a certain level of emo-ness could be heard making for a very memorable song.

During “Basement Manners”, Maura took over on most of the vocal duties making for a great track to rock out to.  “Mt. Hope” ended the album with the song sounding more like a conversation between good friends.  Soupy from The Wonder Years actually contributed some guest vocals during the final track of the album.

I really enjoyed Even On The Worst Nights and know I will be adding this album to my daily playlist for some time to come.  The songs overall on the album carried a Mixtapes standard sound I was expecting, but my only vice was that it seemed like Ryan got more attention vocally than Maura did sans “Basement Manners”.  I would have preferred both vocalists to be on the same level, but it was not the end of the world.  Mixtapes have definitely released a solid album that is going to be getting a lot of attention in a short amount of time.

The band that used to place basements and small stages better get used to some wiggle room, I know these guys (and gal) are going to blow up this year.  If you have not heard of Mixtapes yet you really need to fix that and if you have not seen them live yet, boy are you missing out.  They tour non-stop and chances are good for them hitting your town sometime this year.  First things first though…they are playing the UK in August.  Not too shabby for a band that just passed the 2 year mark.

Mixtapes Premiere New Track!

Cincinnati pop-punkers Mixtapes just dropped a new song off their highly anticipated upcoming album.  The song, called “Hey Ma Pt. 2”, can be heard on

“This song was fun to make,” says singer/guitarist Ryan Rockwell.  “When it was done, musically I felt like the verses had a bouncy almost Superchunk type vibe and we were really happy with how it came out.  I think it fits the album well.  The album as a whole is upbeat and was a blast to make.”

I for one can so I am super stoked about this song and their upcoming release.  I am really excited to see this band mature in the last couple years and can not wait to see what they have to offer on their new album.

Check out another new track titled “Even On The Worst Nights” by Mixtapes on

Album Review: Tim Barry – 40 Miler

If I had to describe Tim Barry in one word, that word would be “real”.  This former punk rocker turned folk rock hero is about as real as they get and I am not just saying that.  He is a talented musician and a wholesome human who just lives life day by day.  Barry, who used to front the legendary Richmond punk rock act Avail, has been going his own route since about 2004 playing solo shows all over the world.

In his fifth release, 40-Miler, Barry seemingly has taken his acoustic guitar and played from his hard-working heart.  The album was put out by Chucksaah Records.

It’s an honest and to the point album where Barry talks about his previous involvements in bands, travels, and personal reflections on the life he has lived.  The album leans more country driven than that of past releases by the man known to hitch rides on trains the old-fashioned way.  The result is hands down his best release I have ever heard to date.  It is safe to say that Barry may have created his own masterpiece without even thinking about it.

“Wezeltown” starting off the album with a soulful yet poignant Barry declaring “I pity the beautiful as the beautiful, they do pity me.”  Fueled by hand-clapping and realization, this song was more than an opening track, it was a preach aimed at all the hardworking folk out there who don’t take everything for granted.  “Driver Pull” was more like a personal conversation between the listener and Barry on a front porch moments before he hitches a ride out of town.

The title track “40-Miler” continued with the Barry’s storytelling and did not disappoint.  Reminiscing about his traveling times in boxcars and tour vans, Barry also states he has “nothing but miles and miles” to continue on.  I especially loved when Barry declared ” I’d rather stay broke than play fake ass shows.”

“Adele and Hell” was heavy on the country rock and perfect in every way.  The duet between Barry and longtime friend and local Richmond recording artist Julie Karr was a match made in heaven.  Karr gets down on this track with Barry that sings about a broken relationship.  The harmonica playing aside the twangy guitar accompanies the signing so well.  Hands down, this is one of the better tracks on the album.  I was floored when I heard it.

Barry pays tribute one of his bad ass friends who plays in Lucero as well as in Glossary in the track titled “T. Beene”.  This track, to me, was the country answer to NOFX’s “Punk Guy” with Barry recalling some crazy ass memories of a talented man who had lead an interesting life.

My favorite track on the album, “Fine Foods Market”, actually pokes fun at Barry as well as many of his fans who have “ironic mustaches” and drink PBR.  I loved when Barry sung “oh look there goes another hipster kid”.  He may have been making fun about everything, but was also quick to wonder how it all came about.

“Amen” was another amazing track full of Barry’s personal attributions and thanks accompanied by harmonica and acoustic guitar.  From singing about breaking his hand in Ottawa to almost making it to every scheduled show, Barry sang about his life on the road and even admitted sometimes he would rather just be home.  I especially got a kick out of the part where he praised a certain New Jersey band for letting him hitch a ride on their tour bus.  It was not just a song sung, it was a celebration of all the hard work Barry has ever done.  “Kick me in the head, watch me get right back up again” ends the album as almost a promise from Barry proving he is in this for the long run.

In a recent interview I did with Barry, he stated he actually erased 40-Miler from his he memory once it was completed.  He said , “when I am done with an album I step away from it.  This helps me gain perspective and hear it freshly.”  He called it a “recording detox”  and continued with, “I never have an intention with my albums. They come out the way they come out.”  How can you not love this man?

Tim Barry is currently touring in support of 40-Miler.  It is not a show to be missed.

Album Review: Grey Area / The Reveling / The Copyrights / Luther – 4-Way Split

Leave it to Black Numbers to gather up some kick-ass pop-punk/post-hardcore bands and drop a sweet split release on vinyl and CD.  At 8 tracks long, the 4-way split features a pair of tracks from Grey Area, The Copyrights, The Reveling, and Luther.   The result is a great listen by a group of bands that have been having no difficulty getting noticed lately.

The release was dropped earlier this year, but I kind of fell of the face of Earth, so my apologies in advance.   Shall we continue?

NYC’s the Grey Area started off the split  with “Lucky”, a pepped up punk rock track that easily reached back to the 90s punk rock scene.  This song was amazing and perfect for opening up the album.  Following was “Bad Anything”, a track that reminded me of Dag Nasty in a good good way.  Having not been too well versed with this band prior to listening, I know what I am going to be doing once I finish this review up.

Brooklyn’s The Reveling was another band I have not gotten into just yet, but of course after hearing their tracks on this release, I intend to change that.  “Trust Me” sounded of The Menzingers at times but not in a bad way at all.  The song was a little too quick for me and seemed to just drop, but all was well once “Its Time To Ride” kicked in.  I must say, I was impressed with what I heard and can’t wait to hear more.

Do I really need to say anything about The Copyrights?  Most of you probably know what they are all about already, but still, this is a review so I will at least tell you all that they are from Illinois and they rule. “The New Frontier” was easily the hardest sounding track in the split.  Never ceasing to amaze me, they dropped “Straight To The Office” from 90s punkers Scared Of Chaka.  The cover was great in my opinion and I hope more kids will check out Scared Of Chaka after hearing the cover.

Philly’s Luther put out one of my favorite EPs last year, so I may sound a little biased here, but their offerings on this split were killer.  “Sixty-One” was likable the moment the signing kicked in.  Seriously, this track was fun from start to finish and just more proof how talented this band is.  “The Door Is A Penthouse” impressed me as well.  I told you I probably was going to sound biased, didn’t I?

This split is a great dose of 4 hard-working bands that I feel one day will be all over the music scene.  Thanks to Black Numbers for putting together such an excellent 4-way split.  Having played the split over and over since I got it, it’s easy for me to think that fans of punk rock of all types will dig this regardless if they know any of the bands on the cover or not.

The split is available on CD, LP, and digital download.  What the hell are you waiting for?  Go grab you one!   Rumor has it you actually appear to be cooler once you have a copy in your hand.  Just saying…

RIP Adam Yauch (aka MCA)

My heart seriously just sunk a few moments ago when I learned that Adam Yauch, also known as MCA of the Beastie Boys, passed away today after a 5-year battle with cancer.  He was 47.

When I heard he was not attending the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony a few weeks back, I knew something was up, but I figured he was just getting treatment again.

At the ceremony, Ad- Rock (Adam Horovitz) and Mike D. (Michael Diamond) read a letter from Yauch in response to being inducted to the Rock Hall:

“I’d like to dedicate this to my brothers Adam and Mike. They walked the globe with me. It’s also for anyone who has ever been touched by our band. This induction is as much ours as it is yours.”

I think “touched” is an understatement.  The Beastie Boys are one of the most important bands of my lifetime.  Love them or hate them, the B-Boys changed music in a good good way and Yauch had a big part in that.

Yauch at the 2007 Virgin Mobile Festival

Currently the website / blog for the Beastie Boys is down, so I am waiting to see what the rest of the band has to say about this unfortunate loss. (UPDATE – The site is now up and there is an amazing piece about Yauch on it.  Head over to the Beastie Boys site if you would like to check it out.)

All I know is that when I found out, I was sad – really sad.  Maybe some people do not care, but I do…

I have been a fan of the Beastie Boys since I picked up Licensed To Ill in a Gold Circle store in 1986.  I remember hearing them once on MTv when it was a cable channel that actually played music videos all the time.  My Mom caved in and bought it for me.  The way I looked at music changed the moment I ripped off that cellophane wrapper.

I grew up with them and wanted to be like them as a youth.  My Paul’s Boutique cassette was played so much that it disintegrated.  I have caught them a handful of times including when they headlined at Bonnaroo in 2009.

I was lucky enough to have met Yauch, and the rest of the B-Boys, in 2007 at the Virgin Mobile Music Festival in Baltimore.  I interviewed the band for about 7 minutes and laughed more than anything.  They were cool guys and I remember specifically  Yauch just laughing hard while Ad-Rock stood ever so close to me while I rifled off some questions to them.  It was a memory I will never forget, and now plan on cherishing for the rest of my life.

Yauch was always the bad ass of the group.  He was an inspiration, an icon, a legend.  He will be missed.