As many of you probably already know, NOFX’s Fat Mike has a mean punch and swift kick ready for anyone who happens to sneak up on him while he is rocking out on stage.

Was it a dick move? Maybe, but you know what? He not only apologized to the kid on Twitter after the kid Tweeted him an apology, but even invited the kid to join him and the band backstage at the following show and allowed the kid to kick him back.
I really hope that makes a future Backstage Passport episode.
I also hope Ben Weasel can just drop it already. I do not even wish to get into that quarrel between those two former label mates. It is almost depressing to even think about. In fact, I am done even thinking about that bull mess…
Anyways, Fat Wreck Chords announced last week that there would be a soundtrack released for NOFX Backstage Passport.

Normally I would just skip over this idea as it sounds like a quick way to make a quick buck by the band, but this soundtrack is actually rare, unreleased, and remixed material from seasons 1 and 2 of the hilarious show.
Season 2 has not even been released yet if that tells you anything…
The soundtrack drops in a month and there will be a vinyl release that should be pressed and shipped out by January 13th, 2015.
Taken from the Fat Wreck press release since I am running out of crap to say:
In 2008, NOFX starred in the TV show Backstage Passport, a series that documented the insane hijinks of the band as they weaved an unsteady path through exotic locales where most sane bands fear to tread. Today, we’re pleased to announce that the official Backstage Passport Soundtrack is being released on December 9th (Vinyl in January 2015). Packed with 15 tracks from both seasons (That’s right! The second season is nearing completion as you read this.), the Backstage Passport Soundtrack is a one-stop shop for all the rare, remixed, and unreleased material that folks could only previously enjoy as snippets during the show. If you’re new to the game and haven’t seen Backstage Passport, do yourself a favor and grab a DVD copy. NOFX will be pulling their passports out once again for an extensive headlining tour of Australia.
Pre-orders for the Backstage Passport should be up soon. Head over to the Fat Wreck site for more info.
Track List (* Previously Unreleased / + Remixed)
1: Backstage Passport *
2: No Fun In Fundamentalism +
3: Insulted By Germans (Again) +
4: All My Friends In New York +
5: You Will Lose Faith +
6: Teenage Punching Bag
7: Leaving Jesusland (Live) *
8: The Greatest Country In the World *
9: Last Night Was Really Fun? +
10: We’re Bros *
11: Your Hubcaps Cost More Than My Car +
12: Fan Mail +
13: Arming the Proletariat With Potato Guns
14: I, Melvin
15: Punk Rock Passport *