It really freaks me out that 20 years ago, I graduated high school. For the most part, I hated that school I attended and can not say many nice things about it to this day. Let me rephrase, the school itself was not the issue, it was the experience I went through growing up there.
I will tell you though that I had a solid core of friends there who all helped me through the bad times and ensured the good times were plentiful. Lucky for me, one of my good friends introduced me to Fat Wreck Chords. I am forever grateful for that.
Fat Wreck Chords has been around for 25 years now. They remain an independent label and continue to pump out amazing releases.

I can not imagine Fat not being in my teenage years. They supplied the soundtrack of my life and have continued to do so.
In an attempt to look like all of the other sites out there posting random things, I thought I would post 15 of my favorite Fat Wreck releases. Here we go…

Fat Music Vol. II: Survival of the Fattest
-This is the one release that I will always hold near and dear to me. I fairly certain I snagged the cassette version of this back in 1996 at the Warped Tour and was immediately introduced to some of my favorite bands (well, technically it was after the show was rained out and my pals and I were driving home listening to it). To this day, I will throw this album on the turntable and relive some of my teenage days. Best comp ever. That Diesel Boy song still rules…

Useless ID – Symptoms
-Hands down, this is my favorite Fat release. I am still amazed at how good this album is. To this day, I listen to it quite regularly. It’s catchy, it’s powerful, it’s just good. I can not wait for their follow-up. If you are not familiar with Useless ID, you need to change that.

NOFX – I Heard They Sucked Live
-When I think of this live album, I think of when I would listen to it front to back and recite not only the lyrics of the songs, but also the drunken commentary by the band. I think the best part about this album is that I acquired the original pressing that I used to listen to from my friend a couple of years ago. Talk about a keepsake.

The Loved Ones – Build & Burn
Dave Hause and crew rule on so many levels. Out of all of their albums, this is the one that I hold dearest to me. “I Swear” gets me every time. You swooner Dave…

Flatliners – Cavalcade
-This is the perfect Fat release. Everything about this album is incredible. If you disagree with me, I could care less. This is my blog, not yours.

Descendants – Cool To Be You
-Sure, their SST Records releases are far superior than this one, but still, this is a great album by one of the best bands out there and I think it is bad ass that Fat was able to release it.

Rise Against – Revolutions Per Minute
-Who’d a thought some little band from Chicago would blow up and turn into rock stars? Spite how their music has matured into more of a rock sound, this album slays.

No Use For A Name – Leche Con Carne
-RIP SLY (I can not believe it’s going on 3 years…). Thank you for putting together one of the best albums ever. This one album holds some of my favorite songs ever. If any of you punkers out there have not listened to this album 400 or more times in your life, you need to reevaluate your status. This album paved so many paths for future bands. Respect.

Swingin’ Utters – Here, Under Protest
-This album may hold a different style of what the Utters used to possess in their earlier years, but I love everything about it. I remember the first time I heard it and how I questioned how it was possible for them to drop such a quality album after 8 years of nothing.

Old Man Markley
-Old Man Markley was so different from the rest of the Fat roster and I immediately fell in love with the album the moment I heard it. The folk-rock-bluegrass sounds are unique and fun, not to mention the band puts on a hell of a performance. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen someone shred a washboard. Trust me on this.

Face To Face – Don’t Turn Away
Two staple songs of my life exists on this album, “Disconnected” & “You’ve Done Nothing”. I someone decided they needed to create a documentary about my pathetic existence, these two songs would need to be on the soundtrack.

Me First and the Gimme Gimmes – Have a Ball
-I remember the first time young punk rock me heard this album in its entirety. I thought it was the greatest thing in the world. Who’d a thought taking lame music my parents listened to and putting a punk rock spin on it would be so amazing?

Banner Pilot – Collapser
I could have easily just listed all of Banner Pilot’s albums on this post as I adore them all, but for the sake of variety I chose one. This album contains so much energy it’s ridiculous.

Strung Out – Exile In Oblivion
This band has definitely matured over the years. I am sure a lot of you can agree they are almost metal now these days. The technical punk rockers completely won me over on this album.

Against Me! – Searching for a Former Clarity
I always like to remind myself how much I thought I hated this band. Sad thing is, I never gave them a chance. Once this album came out, I realized what I was missing out on. I love seeing how far this band has gone and can not wait to see what they have in store for us fans in the future.
Given the history of Fat Wreck, I think it is safe to say we can expect plenty of releases coming at us moving forward. As of late, they have been building up their roster.
What are some of your favorite releases? Comment below if you want. Someone’s bound to read them. Enjoy.