While at the Bouncing Souls show last week I was checking out the merch booth grabbing some goodies for myself. As I was waiting for the merch guy to return to the booth, I saw this interesting looking 7″ vinyl on the counter. It grabbed my attention mostly because of the jacket. The jacket was actually wrapped in sand paper making for a unique look.
Not knowing who the band was I added it to my pile of goodies and went on with my night.
Today I finally had a chance to check out my impulse buy. The band is called Detournement and their debut EP titled Screaming Response was released on the Bouncing Souls’ record label Chunksaah Records. The band enjoyed the EP so much they were selling it at their shows and boy am I glad they did.
The eight song EP is full of political powerful punk rock goodness with very thought out lyrics combined with punk music that almost reminds me of Rancid especially with the Matt Freemon-like bass riffs throughout the EP. Heavy on the hardcore punk side at times and overall a good listen, I really enjoyed this blind purchase a lot.
If you want to pick up a copy for yourself head over to Chunksaah Records and grab one for the low low price of $6!
Detournement features members of Lifetime, Bigwig, Ensign, Plan A Project, and Worthless United.

Pressing Info:
Yellow Version: 195 pcs available from Pirates Press Records
Grey Version: 190 pcs available from Chunksaah Records
Black Version: 85 pcs available at Detournement shows (or Bouncing Souls as that is where I got mine)