The other day I left a FaceBook comment for my non-manual vehicle driving pal Matt. He had tweeted (yes, tweeted on Twitter) that he was listening to Ben Folds. I thought I would be witty and clever and posted the following:

“Ben Folds Your Clothes”
The statement was funny and bold. I am sure Matt got a laugh out of it or cried himself a bit that night to sleep. Regardless I chalked one up on the board for being funny.
Today he tweets that Ben Folds is playing in Lakewood, OH on 3/22…
Coincidence? Hell yes it is. I am sure Ben Folds was looking at both of our FaceBook pages this morning and thought to himself “man I really need to visit these two lame-o’s…maybe I’ll play a show in Lakewood.”
Good idea Ben Folds… Thanks for extending your tour to the cool city of Lakewood on a Sunday. I have got to find tickets for this.
-Check out the tour dates on Ben Folds’ website. (note, I am not seeing that Lakewood date but I know Matt would not lie about this…)
-Did you know another Ben Folds CD was released? It is called Stems & Seeds and has is for a nice price. I am very interested to hear the remixes as I was not a huge fan of Way To Normal.