So I am sure many of you know the new Metallica album Death Magnetic was leaked on the internet. It is almost impossible these days for a release to not be leaked. Someone somewhere out there gets the glory of having an advance copy of something…and promptly uploads it on the internet for millions of filesharing people to obtain.

I am sure everyone remembers what Napster used to be. If not, get your head out of the clouds… Napster was one of the first publicly recognized music sharing program sites out there that helped music fans get what tunes they wanted for free all while violating copyright law. In time it was shut down and then bought out and molded into what it is now but I know I remember Lars Ulrich, drummer for Metallica, not being too happy about the situation. After all their demo of a song for the Mission: Impossible II soundtrack called “I Disappear” was found circulating on Napster by Metallica before it was even released.
In fact they along with a few other musicians stood up together around 2000 to try and stop digital music sharing (piracy). They might have had better luck saving rain forests. Lawsuits, bogus charges, and many years later they changed their mind and allowed digital downloads of their albums and then finally in 2006 their catalog appeared on iTunes.
Anyways, I came across a quote from Lars today on and I almost lost it.
Here is his quote:
If this thing leaks all over the world today or tomorrow, happy days. It’s 2008 and it’s part of how it is these days.
Seriously Lars? Happy days? I am glad you finally have come to terms with it. Me thinks Rick Rubin put some sense into you guys, thankfully.
The CD is good. Not that I have heard it from a recently downloaded copy (cough*cough).
taylor hawkins name isn’t taylor. lol
“It’s the way business is done these days,” Mr Ulrich said. “And there’s the novelty of anyone wanting to listen to a new Metallica album.”
Thanks for the quote and link David, that quote sounds a little less insane. I find it humorous it was their managers fault although I am sure someone would have snagged a copy eventually….