Alice In Chains (AIC) will be releasing new material for the first time in 13 years. Can you say AWESOME?
For those of you who are scratching your heads right now wondering did I just say AIC is releasing new material, I need to let you know that the band never broke up.

Formed in 1997 by Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell the band became quite popular with two albums becoming #1’s on Billboard 200. The band was a great commerical success and even though started off more metal soon mellowed to a rock that everyone seemed to enjoy. After 1995 the band stopped recording material.
The band never called it quits though, they just paused while lead singer Layne Staley fought the bad battle with his publicly known chemical addiction and dealt with heartbreak.
In 1996 Staley lost his fiancee from bacterial endocarditis and chose to stay alone and cope his loss with drugs. In 1998 Staley recorded two songs with the rest of the band but really never did anything else onward. His addiction took over his like and he even willingly admitted in in many interviews.
Months before his death, Staley admitted in an interview, “I know I’m near death, I did crack and heroin for years. I never wanted to end my life this way” In 2002 the worst, but expected, happened as Staley was found dead in his condominium from an apparent drug overdose.
With Layne Staley’s passing in 2002 I really never thought AIC would put out another release. I figured the band would go their separate ways. I was wrong…
After some time AIC chose to continue.
The remaining members Jerry Cantrell, Mike Inez, and Sean Kinney played for a benefit concert in 2005 for the tsunami that hit Asia with Damageplan singer Pat Lachman. One year later they appeared on VH1’s Decades Rock Live: Heart with another singer William DuVall, one time singer of Comes With The Fall. AIC hit the road soon after and toured select cities with positive reviews. They rolled through Cleveland and of course I missed it. I know someone who went and he said it was amazing. Go on Matt, rub it in.
Seems like things went well as earlier this year AIC announced they would be recording new material.
I still have yet to see the new AIC live or even hear it for that matter. I never even got to see the old AIC live and they were one of my favorite bands of the 90’s. I am really curious to hear what they have to offer. From what I have heard William DuVall seems to have picked up where Staley had let off.
With new material and the possibility of a tour (I sure hope so) it looks like AIC is making a comeback.
Straight from the band’s website, a band associate named Baldy said:
“October will arrive and Alice In Chains will reconvene to record the new album. So, as 2008, winds down, band activity will be gearing up, and at some point in 2009 you’ll finally hear what I’ve been raving about for the last several months.”
I think Baldy knows something…and I am hoping he is right!
Some videos: