Today is a day that people will be talking about for years to come. Today is a day that will stand out in history.
Today is a great day.
That’s right folks I speak of the event that is happening today that are making people around the world talk. The event, in case you are out of the loop, is my birthday.
Yup, today happens to be the first day I opened my eyes the year punk was born.
I happen to share my birthday with quite a few important people too. In no real order: David Lynch, Bill Maher, Skeet Ulrich, Rob Bourdon (Linkin Park), Sid Wilson (Slipknot), ?uestlove (The Roots), Tracii Guns (Guns N Roses), Greg Kriesel (The Offspring), Nicky Wire (Manic Street Preechers), and Derrick Green (Sepultura).
I will gladly accept presents from anyone. I accept Paypal as well.
You can stop shaking your head now…
Today is an important day with an important inauguration. Now I try to stray away from my political/religious views on this site at all costs, but today deserves at least some mention of the day.
I look forward to the Change.

Oh yea…. Me, Luke (from 2 live crew) and Diane Sawyer have the same birthday. Top that. Any way Happy Birthday again.