People of Kent/Akron/Cleveland/Ohio be proud. Annabel is about to drop an album everyone is going to be talking about.
The Kent, OH indie rockers are on the verge of releasing their second LP, Youth In Youth, which will be put out by Count Your Lucky Stars in the later half of Fall.
I can not freaking wait. Clearly from the photo above, Scotty is in shock about it too.
Do I really need to sit here and type an intro for Teenage Bottlerocket? I am sure many of you who are reading this know who this band is and what they are all about. In the last few years they have been turning heads with their pop punk fun and special humor. Currently the band has become one of the more talked about bands on the Fat Wreck Chords roster with their recently dropped album Freak Out!. It’s easily one of my favorite releases of 2012.
I’ve been privileged to have caught this act years ago and knew back then that they would be going places one day. A few years back I was fortunate to have the chance to interview Ray just as the band signed with Fat Wreck Chords. They were still getting noticed at the time and it just a fun experience. When I heard that they was going to hit the road this summer headlining their own tour, I was stoked and felt the need to chat with them again.
This time around I was able to talk with Ray and Kody about their new release as well as whatever else came to mind. Enjoy!
How’s it going guys?
Ray: Going Great, Thanks for asking.
This is killing me so I need to get it out of the way, but last time we chatted we were talking about the worst city you ever played in and Ray said Las Cruces, NM. Well, recently I moved to Las Cruces, NM, and have caught a minor case of depression knowing you may never come down this way again. I understand. Perhaps that can change one day as I would love to see you guys live again. Can I bribe you all with chicken tacos or something?
Ray: Chicken enchiladas might be a bribe we would take.
Kody: I love Mexican food so you’re on the right path with the chicken tacos, but you’re going to have to throw something else in there too. 6 pack of HAMMS?
Photo by Shane Salazar
HAMMs….check. Seriously though, I am sure a lot has changed in the last two years since we first chatted. First off, congrats on an all new album! How stoked are you for all your fans to hear?
Ray: Very stoked to see the fans reaction to the songs, especially live. I cant wait to get out there and play these songs.
Kody: I’m stoked. I think it’s our best record yet.
The album rules. Once again you guys have impressed the hell out of me with your fun punk rock jams. Thank you.
Ray: You’re very welcome.
Kody: All in a day’s work!
You all crammed back into the Blasting Room again to record Freak Out. How did it feel to be in the recording studio working with Andrew Berlin?
Ray: Very comfortable. It was great to work with Andrew again, he is the secret 5th member of the band.
Kody: Working with Andrew is awesome. He’s one of us.
Any reason for calling the new album Freak Out!?
Kody: Yes.
Ray: We usually try to name our records after songs. Originally we were going to call the record Summertime. After we recorded, Summertime just didn’t really fit the feel of the album. We all agreed Freak Out! was a better title.
“Necrocomicon” is amazing. Who came up with that brilliant song?
Kody: Me. It’s about the comic book of the dead……get it?
Ray: I love it.
Photo by Emi Dimaggio
Are there any songs on the album you happen to favor?
Kody: It’s hard to pick a favorite. Songs you write for a record are like children. It’d be tacky and wrong to claim one as your favorite.
Ray: I really like “Go With The Flow” and “In The Pit.” I have a special place in my heart for all the songs.
Did you do anything differently this time around or did you keep with the same sound?
Ray: We have developed our sound a little more, nothing too out there, but I think we have all gotten better at our instruments.
Kody: We used a keyboard on one of the songs. Aside from that….no.
So tell me about the video you shot for the first single off the new album, “Headbanger”.
Kody: We threw a party at Brandon’s house and a bunch of our buddies showed up sporting all kinds of heavy metal gear. So we got wrecked and recorded it.
Ray: Its a Heavy Metal party. Our friend “Magic Cyclops” is in the video, he’s the headbanger.
That song was actually written by a previous band you guys were in, SACK, right?. How long ago was that band in full force?
Kody: SACK was around for about a year and a half maybe. It was never really full force. We played three shows and they were all a fucking disaster. I blame the booze. It was a fun band though.
Ray: They were back when the “Get Wrecked” album was recorded. I think it was sometime in 2003. SACK shreds!
Any other videos in the works?
Ray: None at the moment.
You are about to embark on a huge tour in support of Freak Out!, how does it feel to get back on the road?
Kody: Awesome. This last break we took [from touring] has been the longest since we started. It’s always fun playing shows and hanging out with earth other and all our buddies in other cities.
Who are you most excited to be sharing the tour with? I must say I am bummed the hell out to not be in Cleveland to see Nothington play with you guys… (and The Beat Kids…haha)
Ray: I’m excited to hang with everyone. I really like all the bands we are touring with.
Kody: I’m stoked to have all the bands out with us. We’re lucky that we can have a say in who we take out with us. So it’s always a blast going out as a headliner cause we get to take our buddies with. I’m stoked to see Masked Intruder. That ep they put out cracks me up.
So who in the band decided that Teenage Bottlerocket needed to cover some Joy Division songs?
Ray: Kody came to me with the idea and I was all about it. I wasn’t familiar with “Ice Age”, but I knew “We Walked In Line.” The 7″ turned out great. It was cool to have Clearview involved with one of our releases again.
Kody: Todd Greene at Clearview brought it up cause he knew that we were into Joy Division. He picked “Ice Age” and we picked “Walked in Line.”
Any chance you guys will do something like this again?
Ray: We are doing a special vinyl release with Clearview, but I don’t want to give too much away. It’s going to be really cool.
Kody: I would say yes. We’ve always had fun covering other bands tunes and recording that shit.
Did you guys ever think your bad would get where it is today?
Kody: And where is that?
Ray: I never thought it would, but I always wanted it to.
10 years together as a band; that is pretty damn impressive. Are things getting easier for you all?
Ray: Yes, We just know how to do it a little better now, not too much better, but a little.
How was insubordination Fest?
Kody: It was rad.
Ray: It was alot of fun. Great bands, and Natural Bohemian beer.
“Bigger Than Kiss” made it on Rock Band. Dudes, you totally have a video game song. Is it weird playing it yourselves?
Ray: Haha, I haven’t ever played it. I was stoked “Crashing” got into Skate 2. I like skateboard video games more than the Guitar Hero stuff. I really suck at playing those guitars.
Kody: I’m more of a Guitar Hero kind of guy. Next question.
So, just a random out of nowhere question, does it freak you out that so many of the bands on the covers of music magazines like AP and whatnot are more or less dressed in drag?
Not at all, its nothing new, take a look at the front cover of the 1st New York Dolls records, or Look What the Cat Dragged In by Poison. I think its cool. I don’t know any of those bands, but they look different, and that’s cool with me. I get bummed out on the way every one in my hometown of Laramie, Wyoming, wears North Face jackets, and they try to look all “Colorado”. I wish they dressed like the New York Dolls, so I guess its sort of a breath of fresh air, in kind of an odd way.
Kody: It would freak me out more if they weren’t dressed.
Both valid points. I still question what happened to some of these kids…
Kody: Bath salts!
Enough of me sounding like grandpa punk… Let me turn this interview over to you. Any thing you guys would like to say?
Ray: Please come check us out if we are playing in your area. It would mean a lot to us.
Teenage Bottlerocket is currently on tour in support of Freak Out!. Check out their dates below and for the love of all things punk…go see them live. They really put on a good show.
08/17/12 – Cleveland, OH – Now That’s Class w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/18/12 – London, ON Canada – Call The Office w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/19/12 – Toronto, ON Canada – Horseshoe w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/20/12 – Montreal, QC, Canada – Les Foufounes Electriques w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/21/12 – Cambridge, MA – Middle East w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/22/12 – New York, NY – Santo’s Party House w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/23/12 – Asbury Park, NJ – Asbury Lanes w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/24/12 – Philadelphia, PA – The Barbary w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/25/12 – Baltimore, MD – Otto Bar w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
08/26/12 – Pittsburgh, PA – Garfield Artworks w/ Nothington, Masked Intruder
09/13/12 – Omaha, NE – The Sandbox
09/14/12 – Minneapolis, MN – Cabooze w/ NOFX, Dilliner Four, Arms Aloft
09/15/12 – Chicago, IL – Riot Fest
09/17/12 – Lansing, MI – Mac’s Bar
09/18/12 – Indianapolis, IN – Deluxe w/ NOFX
09/19/12 – Cincinnati, OH – Bogarts w/ NOFX
09/20/12 – Nashville, TN – The High Watt
09/21/12 – Little Rock, AR Downtown Music Hall
09/22/12 – Dallas, TX – Riot Fest
10/09/12 – Des Moines, IA – Gas Lamp w/ Masked Intruders
10/11/12 – Madison, WI – The Frequency w/ Toys That Kill, Masked Intruder
10/13/12 – Detroit, MI – Magic Stick- Lounge w/ Toys That Kill, Masked Intruder
10/14/12 – Fort Wayne, IN – The Brass Rail w/ Toys That Kill, Masked Intruder, Flaming Nosebleed
10/15/12 – St. Louis, MO – Firebird w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/16/12 – Kansas City, MO – Record Bar w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/17/12 – Oklahoma City, OK – The Conservatory w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/19/12 – Houston, TX – Walter’s w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/20/12 – Austin, TX – Red Seven w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/21/12 – Corpus Christi, TX – House of Rock w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/22/12 – San Antonio, TX – Korova w/ Smoke Or Fire, Masked Intruder
10/27/12 – Atlanta, GA – The Loft w/ Propagandhi, The Menzingers
Massachusetts threesome The Fake Boys have somehow taken 90s indie rock and mashed it up with a little DIY pop punk as well as post-hardcore in a good good way on their debut album Pig Factory.
Released by Animal Style Records, Pig Factory was recorded by the great Jay Maas (Title Fight, Transit, Polar Bear Club) and pretty much kicked ass from start to finish. I will admit, I was super hesitant before listening to this album, but am stoked I checked it out.
“This Is Our Band” opened up the album with the lead vocalist having a very Billy Corrigan singing style (as well as a Ravishing Ride Rude resemblance), but not that “despite of my rage I’m still just a rat in my cage” annoyance. “This Is Our Sound” followed making this listener think back to the alternative / grunge days, especially with that J. Mascus-like guitar playing.
The sound kept consistent through and didn’t get old at all. “Don’t Live” might have had some deep lyrics that I could not crack, but the song was great. “You’re A Loser” followed with a perfect grunge to post-hardcore ratio making for an impressive listen.
“Best Post” had this Five Man Electrical Band sound at first that was completely off from the rest of the tracks. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good listen with acoustic guitars and such, but that only lasted a moment as the rest of the band kicked in making for a good ol’ 90s alt-rock listen. I found myself really digging that track a lot.
I really enjoyed the 90s alt-rock-heavy “Hi Friend”. There’s nothing quite like a fun, friendly song that just makes you gently rock your head. Hands down, this was my favorite cut off the release, well at least I thought it was until the next track came on… Just wait till that distorted bass kicks in, and you will most likely agree with me – “Realist World” ruled. Lots of emo and post-hardcore going on the track. I’m sold.
The Fake Boys sounded like a punk rock Smashing Pumpkins with a gracious nod to 90s rock. I caught hints of Jawbreaker, Briad, and even Texas Is The Reason as well as Dinosaur Jr. Spite what I think they sound like, the truth is, this band knows how to deliver their own style and the result is a pretty solid listen. There’s nothing fake about these guys at all and I am sure they are fully aware of that. Do you like 90s rock? Yes? Go listen to The Fake Boys now.
Growing up, one of my best friend’s little sister was diagnosed with Leukemia. I don’t need to get into exact detail, but I will say she recovered and is living a good life. She was young when she had to go through all the horror of finding out what she had and kept strong while going through treatment. It was an event I will never forget for as long as I live.
St. Louis act Greek Fire is pretty much experiencing the same thing I did years ago. Their drummer, Johnny Venus, was diagnosed with Leukemia. At this moment, he is still fighting to overcome it.
Greek Fire was formed in 2008 by members from Story of the Year and Maybe Today. If I had to describe their sound, I would have to say they resemble Muse and Thirty Seconds to Mars.
Once the band found out their drummer was diagnosed, they stepped up as any family would and devised a way to help pay for the treatment. Recently, the band made a video for their song “If This is the End (The Sound of Belief)” with all proceeds from the track going directly to Johnny’s medical bills. The song is full of hope and not only was created to help fund treatment, but to raise awareness to all who view it.
Over the past four years, Greek Fire has built a wide fan base through word of mouth that has been spreading rapidly in the past few months. The band recently kicked off a tour, with Story of the Year singer Dan Marsala filling in drums for Johnny, to support their album Deus Ex Machina.
From Greek Fire (as found on Johnny’s Tumblr page):
In February 2012, shortly after an amazing tour of Japan, GREEK FIRE drummer and longtime STORY OF THE YEAR drum tech Johnny Venus was diagnosed with Leukemia. As anyone can imagine, this devastating news came as a complete shock and rocked the entire camp to the core. Johnny is fighting the battle of his life, and even in these darkest of times his incredible courage and strength inspired Johnny’s fellow band mates to write a song about this profoundly difficult and emotional journey.
The song, “If this is the End (The Sound of Belief) was utilized for a video GREEK FIRE released via YouTube on May 15th, 2012. The video was made for zero dollars by a group of amazing and selfless individuals that donated their time and talents with no thought of reward or payment, and the result is a heartfelt and emotional offering of hope and support for anyone, anywhere who has experience with cancer. Greek Fire is releasing this video in hopes that it can help people find the courage and strength to fight with all of their heart, and that there are people everywhere in the world fighting with them. That is the mission: HOPE. Please share this video with as many people as you can. Nothing will make Johnny Venus and the band more proud than if it can help someone, somewhere, in some way.
Take a moment to watch the video about the song that surrounds the idea of believing. The ending is sad as hell, but is so real. Trust me on that. Share it too if you so desire.
If you would like to follow Johnny’s progress or end find out how to help, head over to his Tumblr page.
I hope Johnny’s is able to kick this illness and get back behind the drums to continue his dreams.
Once upon a time some guy named Frank Turner met songwriter Emily Barker. They just so happened to share a stage in 2006 and soon became great friends. The two musicians soon toured together in the UK after Turner asked Barker to join him. On that tour, Turner and Barker first performed the amazing duet “Fields Of June.” I know I was not there to see it and honestly, I never knew who Emily Barker was until today when I heard “Fields Of June” for the first time and fell in love with it.
I am thrilled they decided to do this. This was the surprise song of the day for this music lover.
I am not sure I have heard such a great duet since I was a little kid. Turner and Barker both take on strong roles on the song that really is a heart-breaker to absorb. Seriously, this is no love song.
As an added bonus, a silent movie inspired music video was made for the song. Check it out:
Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo are an amazing act to listen to and I am shocked I have been left in the dark about them for so long. I will be looking to check them out in serious detail. This song is available for download and on a 7″ through Xtra Mile Recordings. I am so tempted to order this vinyl as I know it will not be available for much longer.